Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v12

144 Chap. ;8. an Fxpofttion upon the Book, of J o 8. Verf, 3t his power to lode his bonds by his firengr+h and ftriving. The providences of God were to him as Orion to the earth, cold and (harp, caufing the frolt of adverfity to bind him fo ft- ongly, that he could byno means loc fe himfelf. Chrift faith to hisDisciples about Church-cenfures rightly laid, and Church-approbation du- ly given (Mat. is. 180 What foever ye bind on earth, (hall be bound in heaven ; and whatfoever ye. (hall loofeon earth, (hall be loafed" in heaven, Where man binds in Gods way, Godbinds too ; and where man loo es inGods way, God loofes too ; but take is ei- ther innatural or fpiritual things, it is not in the power of man to bind where God loofeth, nor tò ioofe where God btndeth : Canff thou leífethe bands of Orion ? If God appoint cold to b`ndthe earth, man cannot lode it ; and if God will bind man with the, cords and cold iron of any afli&ion, man cannot free himfelf. In the hotteif natural feafon of the year, man may be in cold provi- dential bands, and under them he muff abide till the Lord breaks . the froft and fec him free, It is fard of 3ofepb (Pfal, to ç. i7,18, 19.) He wa.rfold for afervant, his feet werehurt with fetters, he was laid in iron ; or, (as the Margin reads ir) His foul came into iron. But how came he out ? did he himfelf lode the bands of that Orionwho cart him into prifon r finely no, the Text tellsus otherwife ; he lay fail enough in bands, u4sl (ver. a s.) the word of the Lord came ; the wereicf the Lord tryed him. But what was this Word of the Lord ? fome fay, it was the word of God to Pharoah in a dream, concerning the (even years of plenty and famine, which may be Paid to try 3o feph, none but he could.inter- pret ir; & that may be laid to unloofe hisbands,becaufe it was the occafion of his deliverance and advancement. But I rather con- ceive the word that came, was the word of Gods decree and promife made to 3ofeph in a dream, for his advancement above all his brethren (Gen. 37. 6, 7, 8.) When once the time calve that this Word of Godmuff come tobe fulfilled, then the bands of Orionwere loofed ; for then (faith the Pfalrnift:, ver. 20. ).7he Zingfeat and loafed him, even the Ruler of the people, and let him go free. And as it wasvoir h 3'ofepb'fo with 3cb, and fo will ever be. If the coldwinter Wafts of anyadverfity bind up our com- forts, either inour callingsror relations, there isno unloofing.them until the word of theLord come. Solomon giveth this counfel (Ecelef, 7. a 3, 14.) Confider theworkof God ; that is, hie work- ing