Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v12

24.6 Chap. 38. an Expofitionupon the BookofJ o s. Verf. as (harp as Orion to the earth. He can makea Wolf a Shepherd, andchofe a fafery to his fervants, whole hearts were to fwallow them up. The earth (hall help the woman,that is,che worft of the world, the Church. God madeRavens feed E4ab (a Kings a7, 4..) And he Paid of Cyrus, whom he calls a ravenous Bird,- (Ife. 46. r t .) He is my Shepherd (Ifa.44.28.) Thus the Lord loof- eth the bands of Orion. And when he hardens their heartsagainst us, who formerlywere tender towards us,or when he turns their hearts to hateus, who formerly loved us and (hewed us favour, then the Lord maybe faid'ro bind the fweet influences of Pleia- des. What fweet influences of favour did the people of Ifrael receive fromPharodh and the Egyptians, at their fir({ comingchid cher, and long after ? yet afterwards, what grievous Task-ma- fters were they to them ? their favours were all retrained and changed into yokes and bands : whence was this ? The Pfalmili anfwers fully (Pfal. log. 2ç.) He (that is God)' turned their heart (that is, theheart of theEgyptians) to hate his people, to dealfubtilly withhisfervants, and cruelly coo. Thus the Power and Nameof God isboth wayes magnified. Whenas wehave the moil benigne°Pldades dropping down fweet influences upon us, God can í+op them; and when we have the hardeft bands of -Orion upon us, the Lord is able to loote them. This glory is due toGod in all the changes which we meet with in thisworld,whe her from good to bad, from the favours to the frowns of men;. or from bad to good, from their frowns to their favours, from their bands to their embraces : all is ofGod. And I conceive the . fcope of God in thefe quettions, was chiefly to bring fob to that conclufion. The next verfebears the fame fence. Verf.32. Canfl those bringforth Mazzaroth inhisfeafon?or colt thou guide Arcturus andhis Sons? This alto is a denying Que(tion; Cant{ thou ? thou cant{ not bringforth Mazzaroth in his feafon, The word rendred to bring forth, is applyed, Ertl, to the birth or bringing forth òf children (Gen, a 5.4.)Secondly,co the earths bringing forth flowers&fruits (fudg. a3. (q.) Thirdly, to the rifing of the Sun or Scars (Gen. 19. 23.) Neb. 4. ai.) Thus here, cana thou caufe Mazza- rock to rife, and go forth ? Or canff abets bringforth Mazzaroth? VVhat'S