Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v12

Chap. 38. AnExpofit:on upon theBookof Jos. Verf. 3<2. 247 Vat's that? SomeInterpretersconceive, that by 014azza- ntúnt eollezi:ie- röthwe are t.o underfland thofe Conflellations which Afirono- nufyderum, mers call the twelveSignes of theZodiáck, which are eapreffed ñuiæuf g.s for learning fake, by the fancied names of living creatures ; fo cur {s',11l: that according to this interpretation, the Suns appearance in, or goal, parva paflage through thofe monthly figns, is the bringingforth of Maz- animoliaalti i zaroth in his feafon. But mofi generally they are taken for the versdicunti Southern Stars, and thought to be the fame with thofe (Chap.Ñfl ór»ra 9, g.) Called the Chambers of the South ; and feting the other fjderemcanem three are named there, it is not improbable that under this word Chryfoíl.apud the fourth is intended. Mailer Broughton calls them, far Stars orus. in the South: The letter of the Hebrew imports that ; and the Cotguntqur Seventyderive it froma root, that liignifies to feparare or difperie, zaoch becaufe thofe Stars are far feparated, or areat a great diflance quad ibidire- from us, who lye under the Northern Pole. Canft thoubring batur penerrs- forth Mazzaroth in his feafon ? that is, canfi thou make that Con- lia Aufiri. fiellation appear in its proper time ? thou canfl nor. Hence take Á rre°eora there brief Notes. frgnstiebfe-' The Stars of brave" are brought forth by fpecial order and deraoner,íe. Pero d nobs appointment. qui rub polo As men are brought forth at fuch a time, in fuch aplace, foare ar&ico degi- the by anorder fromGod ; The Stars of heaven are not under eparata; Y feparara; frc any law of man onearth, no, nor of the Angels inheaven, (Pial. autos vooan- .19.4,.5.) In them( fpeakingof the heavens) bath he (that is, cur liderame- theLord) fet aTabernacle for the Sun, which is es a Bride groom ridionurnqux coming out of hie Chamber ( every morning, to vift his Spouie the t7iun pio fäa: earth ) and rejayceth as a flrong man, to run a race ; what is there' s, Plfe, fpoken of the Sun, is true of Mazzaroth and of all the Stars, whether planted in the Northern or Sourheru, in the Eaflertt of Weflernparts of heaven ? 'ris the Lord who brings them all forth, and that in their feafon. Note fecondly;. The Stars of heaven have their feafon, and keep their lea.. fans. They keep them pun6ually to a minute, to a moment, they know their rimes, and they keep time ; they have their feafons of riling, and their feafons of letting. (Pfal. 6$. S.) Tboet mal\ef