Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v12

Chap. 3S an Êxpofitiontspon theBook,of ] o a. Vert. 3 z, 249' fruk e g fpirituals. It is faid of every godly man (Pfal. 1. 3,) He Thal be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that bringetb forth his fruit in his feafon, that is, fealouable fruit. The Scars appear in their feafon, and fo (( would the fruits of every Gofpei-profeffor. If we fhould fee Winter- liars inSummer, and Summer-liars inWinter ; if the Sun thould rife at Mid - night, of codown at Mid-day, how prodigious would that appearance and difappeiraacebait theSur fhould not rife and fet ju(i at the time we look for him, it would breed horror, and put all men into an amazement. But now the Lord brings forth t_Mazzarothand all theStars in their feafon. O therefore, let us look to our lea- fons ; we (hall be reprovedelfe by the Stars of heaven, Mazza- rotb will be a witnefs again(' us. Canfi thou bring f rth Mazza- roth in la feafon ? Or can]; thou grid Maurus with his Son,, fl r3dice t!1i Here's a fourthquellion, Canft rhos guid ? The word, (igni- dttxit placidi gently, foftl can't thou guid them as a enm Jaxe &es to guid, or condu a` Y t a pa, craves. Shepheard guids his flock? canil thou guid them as a F,ìther tré}uruse/i guids hisFamily, his Wife, Children, and Servants? cant t thou fieIIsirygnir, dire& then their courfe, how or which way to go ? Some hink 4ue oritur vi heufcth theword guid, becaufe this conlieilation reprefents tt; rrtuu1Habra- form of a Wain er Wagon , and is by us. commonly cad putante,/fefep- Charleswaiss, or the greater Bear, Canft thou guid too lellnsquæ femper oppo. /irilorses. rent in noflra That's another Coni}ellation, feáted in the Northern Pole, berrtifoherio,á coneatiana notably confpicuous to us in a clear night. ' ris the Sca-mans frcliflrx;n,nt maAc or guid. The Lord who guids that Scar, hash made it a ß,9y ao ron- gui i to the Sea-man in the night; by looking to that, he knows gegatra,,!,,ca how to make his courfe. Can't thou &mid A r t urus VI; Siva - nofae ftpra K",tJ3 his Sons. a'ios 3e!los in apicec eli,rarr- Some r'td /l,Iwrits, and her D>nahterr; M E'er ft os beon, q_r!mmarerin and he ,iï ten : We rende in ti ß:4I culim .render +pi; f. i, a' f hr.r ft Snss. T i pi:acipar Stir, an ..1 r'l other S.a.s ;ha: 1 'if'PI 1, Chi! o h re (;CC r tr ,s:ae; to I "ri - ï w and co da it e,