Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v12

2; o Chap. 3.8,. an Exposition upon the Book of j o N. Verf, ;Z Hence Note, Fit1+, The Stars havea Guid a Governour. The Stars move as directed, God himself is the quid of the Stars, no: Min. ss. As a Shepheard guids his flock in the fields, fo the Lord guids the Stars in that spacious field of the heavens; yea, he names and numbers them, as a Shepheard doth his flock. (Pfal, Iß}7,) Ile telieth the numberof the Stars, ai:d call's then all by their names. TheProphet exhorting the people to lift up their eyes onhigh, that is, to the heavens, presently adds , and behold who bath created these things ? (ifa, 4o. 26,) that is, the hea- vens, and the fu ni ure of them, hebrirgeth out their boll by num- ber (that is,the boss of the Stars)As an Army is enrolled andnum- bered, how many thousands theyare; fodoth the Lord bring forth that boa by number, and nal/eth them all by names, by the great - nef; of bùmight, for that he is flrong :n Power : ; not one fail- eth. There's not one of the host of heaven, not one of the Stars that faileth, but comes forth at Gods call, and appears ask were in rank and file, when andwhere the Lord gives command. Thus the Prophet (peaks of the Stars, as Gods host ; and of the Lord,as a Commander or Genera! of an army,knowing their numb ber, nature, place, and office ; muttering and marshalling them, . ordering them out upon fervice as he pleafeth. And whereas in the be difciplin'd armies of men, many fail when drawn out to fervice, force for fear, others through unfaithfulness, not afeu through weakness and ficknefs here's neither weak nor lick, neither an unfaithful nor a fearful one in this hot} , not one fail- eth : Nor do:h-the Lords memory fail, for he calls them all by their names ; which !hews the perfe& remembrance, and exal knowledge which the Lord hashof them all. It is reported,asa Pan.lib.7 e wonde r,of Cyrus King of Perfa, that he having avat} Army, yet s ,us 3aa ft, knew them by face, and was able to call everyman by his name. 3., a, i What then !hall we fayof this wonder ? The Lord who guid- eth Arcturus andhis Sons, who leads out this innumerable Army of the Stars, knows everyone of them by name, and fends them forth by name, upon whit enterprise or fervice he pleaf- eth. The Lord having que(tioned fob -about thole four eminent and well known Constellations, Pleiades in the Spring, Orion in the Winter,