Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v12

Chap. 3 3 an &xpofitiaí upon the Book. of J o B. Verf. 3 3. 2g g Winter, Mazzaroth in the Summer, and Arl uru with his Sons in the Autumn, try convince him , that as he was not able, nor any man elfe, to alter thenatural motions or courfes of the Stars, fo that neither he,nor any man elle, was able to alter the count of his providence. The Lord (I fay ) havingdone queflioning roh, about there four notable Conflellatiòns of heaven in fpecial, proceeds to in- terrogate himmore generally about the whole heavens, in the next Verfe. Verf. 3?.< Knowe(l thou the Ordinances of heaven ? canft thou let the Dominions thereof in the earth ? Surely as thou knower+ not the fpecial laws by which I govern the Pleiades, Orion, Mazzaroth and Arífurtas, fo not the general laws by which the heavens are governed. Knowefi thou the Or- dinances of heaven ? The word here rendred Ordinances, is often rendred in the Palms flames, laws, decrees : k.00wef thou the laws or f atutes of heaven ? The word rendred heaven is of the dual number, as Gramma- rians fpeake, becaufe, in what part foeverof the earthany man. Bands, the heaven is cur in two parrs ( as to him) by the Hori- zon, whereof one part is over him, and the other under him; As there is a heaven above us, fo a heaven below us , though wherefoever any man is on earth, heaven is above him. Kroo eft thou TheOrdinances of heaven? Now theOrdinances of heaven maybe of two forts. FiirF, Thofe whichGod bath given to the heavens. The beg= venlybodies move according to his confiittftions who made.hea- 1171 ven and earth. Secondly, Thofe which the heavens give to the earth, or to man onearth. The heavens may be laid to impofe their laws upon the earth, men being guided and direc`ied by the changes and motions of the heavens, how to order many of their motions and aéi;ions on the earth , thofe efpecially which concern the earth. Theheavens give there common laws ( as I may fay ) ro mencon- cerning the earrb : Fir f?, ^¿? then to Till the earth. Secoñdly, When to calf their Sç:°r_, 'alto the earth. Thirdly, When Kk z to