Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v12

ya Chap. 38. An LexpoRion upon the Book,ofJ o B. Vert. 33, to reap and gather the fruir of the earth. When roperform my part of Hu.bandry to the earch,.is knownonly by the hea- vens;.chat is, the heavens by their motions and vicifïitudes, Phew men the feaions of doing chele and thefe works onearth. And if men obey not thefe laws of heaven, nor :obferve th, it fea.oas, they Icefe all their labour and colt bestowed on the earth.. Again, whenhe faith,, knewet thou the Ordinance, of heaven? the meaning ray be this; Are the heavenlybodies difpofed or im.. poweredby thy wi fdeme r k4 thougiven themvtrtue to work upon anferiour. bodies ?: ha 1 thou made the/imam bywhich they are ge. acerned or bywhich tbeygevern ? Thai's the Lords Prerogative, Hence note; Fir II, The heaven, areunder a law, theyhave their ffatuter.. They are under a Iaw in a three-fold Refpeci. I. In re- fpeEt of their motion, how and whither they (hall move, tlyi Theyare under a law as to their influences , where and on whom they (hall drop them down. 317, (Which neceflarily ft,llows the former )They are under a law as to their effeóts and operations upon the Creatures, whetherfor good, or for evil.The heavens canneither hurt nor helpus, but according to higher or,- der.. This threefold lawmay be underflood in that oneScripture (jer. 3 r. 3 S.) Theo faith the Lord, which giveth the Sun for a light by day; and the ordinances Of theMoon and of theStars fora light 61 night, Note Secondly; what all the Law, andOrdinances-of heaven,are, if a poet to man,. Knowet thou them ? faith God to T'ob, There are fomeOrdi. nances of heaven, or fotne things for which heaven is ordained, which are eaflyand commonly known; filch are the changes of feafon<, with the divifion of night and day, of winter and fum- mer. There are alfo fec et Ordinances and Orders given to the heavens, according to which they produce manyunexpected and extraordinaryeffeashere on earth, as Drought, and the con- , feqúent of it,Famine; Infe&ion in the air, and the confequent of ir, Peftilential difeafes and Mortality. Who knows rhefe'or- dinances of .heaven ? and if thefe are fo unknown 1 thenwe may soncludea, l~irite