Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v12

Chin 33. An Expofttion upon theBookof J-o a; Verf. 3 3. s 53 Fir III IF man know not fuch like fecret Ordinances of heaven, Purely be is much lets able to underffand the fecret counfels of heavcn.We knowbut titleof thofe things that are commonly feen and felt among us, but there arc referves which we cannot know ar ail. Secondly, We may hence alfo conclude, If the heavens have their flames and Ordinances, as to their morion, d.c. thenmuch more bath Man (l'c es and ordinances according to which he fbould move. Th0eavens never move but according to ordi- nances. d 1Ctö Let us bePure, that whatever we do, we have an ordi- nance, unde i 11. a or word of God for it, either exprefs or confcduential. 7 If the heavens be under fuch a rule, (halt we think (.od hash prsfeflus, i"t deo left manat random or without a rule, how to fpeak, and think,and non nemapr.e- do in this world ? Iris dangerous to move without an ordinance, feFturaa vertít. trucb more tomove againft an ordinance ; we fhould take heed Dru, of aélingbefides a Law, much more of a&ing ag.ina a Law. wauatuegr! ICnoweff thou the Ordinances of heaven ? (and as it followeth) nu nrñpre- Canff thon fee the dominion thereof in the earth ? tarot commis- :zones rota. Calf thoufit his force upon theearth? So Mr. Broughton trap- to eredoml- flates. ToJet the dominion, is to make one havedominion, and as n;umee faceto it were, to appoint a Lord or Governour iirthe earth c This is utdominetur, not mans work, but Cods. As if God had laid to job, Canf ti, u yuafJong- Limitpower to, or impower theStars to rule day and night, to caufe numeoflüue. dfverfr'y of weathers and of feafons, to which all thing: here be/ow non H. hommo ,ruffPhoto, or with which they muft needs comply ? Theword foinsver which we read Dominion, lignifies anunder donernton, an inferior Deus. dominion ; it fgnifies aMagiditacy or power under a Power. The Hebrew language hath two words, the one fignifying the power of`s Judge, who givesthe rule ofthe Law ; and the other, here f7atlici&r ufed, fignifying she power ofa Sheriff, who lees execution done. lu :car jen A perf©nmay be in power, and have great command, yet not tentiampronun -- the firfl or chief command. The Heavens havenot a iu ream or c`ar.`c`eur p tD]tlJ Sédems- an abfolute command over theearth, but a dominion by way of curor,gw judi. adminifiration they have, and that a large and great one. Heaven carun exequi bath adominion fo far as to execute and fulfil that which God the tur (y cogit ri. fupream Judge orders,derermines,and gives forth, both concern- dY Emir 6 ingperlons and thingshereon earth. The heavens have amini- judicis .dear fletiai dominion,refpc& iáag tnofi changes wrought In this world. itJt