Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v12

2ï4 Chap. 38. an Expolitión upon the Book of o B. Verf. 331 Their minifiry refpecas,not only the conflanc and ufual changes of times and feafons barely conadered, but they have alfo a mini- Citywith refpe& co thole ufual and rare changes,which(acwding to theappointment of God) befal the perlons and conditions of men in this world. Canfi thou jet the domcnion thereof in the earth? Thou can(l not but I can and have, I have fet and determined what dominion the Heavens {hall have upon the earth, or how they {hall exercife their dominion. Hence obfrve ; 1e Heavens have a power on the earth, Some Aftrologers give them a power of doing all on the earth, as if bothour lives and livelihoods depended wholly up. on the Afpees of Planets : It is not this mans endeavour (fay they) nor that mans skill, but all flows from the Stars. Thole make or put the Heavers, which are Gods work, into the place of God himféif;rhyput the heavens into the place of the God of Heave â. All things are in the hand of Heaven, fay they. We. fay, All things, even the Planets themfelves, are in the hand, and at the difpoi'e of eiod. Wegrant, and this Text prove., that. the Heavens have a great power upon the earth ; we cannot but fee and feel what the Sun Both upon the earth, we fee, is dit'lriuutes theyear into four feafons, Summer andWinter, Spring and Au- tumn; we fee,it makes Equinoxes twice in the year, when days and nights are ofan even length, and as many Sol(lices, in one of which dayes are öf greareli length, and nights in the other. We fee how the Sun brings forth feveral ff,:cis in thole :feveral fea- font, even thegenerationor corruption of natural things. We knowalto, that as the North draws the Magnete or Load-fione, fo the Sun, the Heliotrope, a flower fo called, b-caufe is follows the motion of the Sun. Ir is laid allo, that the Sun hash a great power upon the Cock, who therefore crowech about midnighr,,as if he did then congratulate or welcom the return of the Sun from the Antipodes to our H r'' fphear, Though thole inliancesare not demonfirativeor concluding, yet they are probable eviden- ces of the Heavens dominion in the earth. Further, 'tis generally agreed, that the Moon hash a great Power upon the waters, ceu(ing he ebb=na: Ind flowing of the Sea; as allo, upon thofe inhabitants of the Set, S h, brcauîe they