Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v12

C 38. an ExpoJtion upon the Book-of ] o B. Verf. 3 3 z 55 they bferved to increafe with the increafeof theMoon, and to ccdecreafe at the wane of it. Nor may we deny the heavens have a dominion" upon the bo- dies of men ; for, though we ìúb':cribe nor to chore fancies of A- fironomers,Who have fixed a fpecial dar as ruling the fpecial parts of mans body,as you fee in Almanacks ; who tell us alto, That in the body of man, the Sun anfwers the heart;cMars the gall,3u- piter the liver, c 'te'c'irÿ the móuth and tongue,Saturnthe head; though (I fay) we fubfcribe not to there,no nor to thofeother fen- timents of theirs, who àrcribe a fpecial dominion to the f ven Planets over the feverages or Rages into which the courfeof mans life iscommonly divided ; that is, Firfl, Infancy to the do- minion of the (Noon ; Secondly, Childhood to Mercury ; Third- ly,You h toVenus ; Fourthly, Adolefcency ortreyoung mans date to the Sun ; Fifthly, C)maleat manho)d to Mars ; Sixthly, Old age to Tsepiter Sevenrhly, extrearn or decrepid old age toSa- turn ; yet doubtlefs the Slats have a g eat power upon the bodies of men, as well as upon Plantsand all forts of Vegetables, fub- ordinarely to the power and appointment of God , who ruleth all things and per Ion; according CO the pleafure and uncontroul- able foveraignty of his own will. Again, Naturalills tell us (and many are not far from believing them) that the Planets have great power over mineralsand me- tals; They fay, Gold is under thedominion of theSun, Silver of the moon, I onof Mars, Leadof Saturn ; and that Tin and Cop par are under the dominion oi,that Planet by them calledpip- ter. Now whether or no God bath fet there metals under the peculiar dominion of there liars, I will not difpute ; nor will I de- ny that there maybe a natural fympathy and congeniality be- tween them, nor that their influences may be very operativeand effe&ual towards their generation,prócluc`iion, and full concoLi- on in the bowels of theearth. Otvly let us take heed that we be not found giving that to the Heavens which God bath not given them. Remember, the do- minion here intended of the heavens over the earth, is a mini- aerial, not a fepream dominion ; 'cis not, I dire fay,any fuch do- minion as thole Adrologers cry up, who would perfwade or make us believe, Firf 'r, That the difpofitions and manners of all men are under the dominion of the Planets and Stare. Se