Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v12

256 Chap. 38. an Expofirionupon the Boo(of Jo a. Verf. 33,, Secondly, That the very way and courfe of everyman, life, is ordered by the dominion of Stars and Planets. Thirdly, That all the fucceffes and events, good or bad, of mens a&iensand undertakings, depend upon the Stars and Pla- nets. 'Fourthly, (which forme have adventured to affirm) Thu the rife and Bill of great perlons and families, together with the growths and declinings of whole Kingdoms and Common® wealths, are underthe dominionof the Stars. Fifthly, That the'flourifhings and decayings of Artsandâci- encesdepend upon them. Yea, Sixthly, Thatthe Liars operate much towards the planting and progrefs, towards the rooting up or going back of Religion. But this Scripture intends not any Inch dominion of heaven over the earth üi'o fee hath told us long (nice what this domi- nion is (Gen. 1. a 4.) e.4nd Clodfail, let theredelights in thefir- mament of heaven, to divide the dar from the night ; and let them beforfrgns andforfeafons, and fordays,and foryears. Theordi- nary lightsor fins of heaven, are always f,)- ordinary fignes and feafons; and fornetimes thereare extraordinary lights feen in hea- ven, or the ordinary are feen appearing in an extraordinary man- ner, to lignifie that God is about to do extraordinary things, or tobring forth extraordinary times and feafcns. So then, they who fay the heavenly bodies have no power, or produce noeffectsupon the earth or earthlybodies, oppofe not only the teliìm .'yof fenie and daily experience, but this, and -other expre;', tea monies of Scripture. And as for thole who afcribe all thole things before mentioned, or anyone of them ab- folutely to the dorninìou of tie heavenly bodies or luminaries, they put th;m in the p!'rt of C;o -d himfelf, and overthrow the ,common foundation; c': Religioi, which teachethus to depend wholly upon Goo for all things, which teacheth us alto to trufc inhim alone, and to lock upon his favour (not the favourable looks or afpe6ts of th S arc) as the Fountain of all our good, as alto ro fear him and his diifpleaiure alone (nor the difpleated locks of theScars) at the foun' ain of all p, nal evils, Theï eforé let ur ìn chefe things 1pe k and think accn-dirg to fob? ie'y. All r. bar, I (hall add for thit crmclufion Chi- P-,in', r, F;;fi, Ler us bewarned and awakened by t - fi ? o Hzav n; bar.