Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v12

Chap. 3 3. an Expfitton upon the Book, of J O B. Verf. 3 3. 2 57 ,but let us not bediCmayed at them ; let us leave that to the Flea- then,who know not God (fer. a o. z.) or rather, let us pray,that the Heathen may no longer be left under that blindnefs and bondage. Secondly, If any would know what Ihall come to pafs, or would acquaint themfelves with future events, whether with re- fpe& to perfons or Nations, let themnotgo co, nor confult Star- gazers, but the holy Scriptures, the Word of God ; for he bath given usa writtenword,wherein as in a glafs, we may fee, Firfl, What God would have us to do, and how to order the whole courfe of our lives. Secondly, What good, what bleflings, what Cucceíles, we are like to have or may expe& through his free favour to us in Chri(f, we walking humbly, holily, believingly before him. Thirdly, What evils, what crofles, what curfes,what miferies, what mifchances (a§we (peak) we are fubj& to, and may fear, if we walk proudly ,impenitently,frowardly,in the way of our own hearts. We need not go to the Stars if we would know what is like to`befal us in this life ; let us con'ult the Promi es, and they will tell us what good we (hall receive, if we believe and obey ; let us go to the threatnings, and they will tell us what evils will be our portion, if we are unbelieving and difobedient. Lec us fear God, not the Stars; let.our Elope be in God, not in the Stars. If we are evil, atsd do evil,che moll aulpicious conjundiions, be- nigne and promifing appearances of the Stars in our nativity, will never produce us any true good ; and if we are good, and do good, their moll inaufpitious,har(h and threatning appearances (hall do us no hurt : It needs not trouble us under what Star we were born, if we arenew born. One being told, that the Stars in power, or which had the dominion in his birth, bare him no good will, anfweted, ttcare not for that, Ihave had afecond birth. Do not my words (faith the Lord, Mice a. 7.) dogood to him that rralkethuprightly? doubtlefs they do, and fo they will, let the Starsdo their worn. Let us fit down quietly in this alfurance, That whatfoever ruleor dominion Heaven hach in the earth, . the dominion of God isover, and over-ruleth the Heavens. LI JOB