Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v12

a s 8 Chap. 38. an Exportion upon the Book of Jo B. Verf. 34 Mùmguidde- feendet adoc luviaimperio Suo ? databl; JO B, Chap. 38. Verf. 34, 35, 36, 37, 38. 34. Car: l thou lift up thy voice to the clouds, that abundance of waters rasay cover thee? 35e Canfl thoufend lightnings,that they naaygo,aud fry onto thee, Here we are? 36. Who hath put wifdow in the inward parts ? or xoho hath given underftanding to the heart? ;7. Who can number the clouds inwifdona ? or who canflay the bottles of heaven, 38. When the duff growth into hardnefs, and the clods cleavefall together? N the context of there fiveVerfes, return is made to the Me- teors of Heaven. The Lord having queffioned Job about the Stars, thole pure heavenly bodies, the Pleiades, Orion, Mazza- rah, andArliurtts with his Sons ; here puts the quetfion afrefln about the aireal bodies, or the natural works of God in the Air. The firíl quetfion concerns the Clouds, and the effeas or births of them, the waters., Verf. 34. Canft thous lift up thyvoice to the clouds ? That is,canfl thou do it effe&ually ? Canfi thou fpe,ek fo loudly that the clouds above may hear thee; and f powerfully, that they will obey thee ? Any man, the meanefi man may lift up his voice to- ward the clouds ; bu: no man, no not the mightietf man, can lift up his voice to the clouds and be heard ; that is, be obeyed by them : Thoascanfl not command the clouds. Though a man fpeak, and fpeak aloud, though he lift uphis voice (as God bid the Pro- phet to his people) like a Trumpet, to the clouds, yet the clouds will be deaf at his voice, as deaf ai linnets commonly are at the voice of a Prophet, though lifted up like aTrumpet. The voice here intended, is an effeáual voice ; fuch a voice to the clouds is proper and peculiar to God alone, whofe power and Empire is fo great and large, that he can flretch forth his voice to the clouds far and near all the air over, and caufe them both to ap- pear