Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v12

Chap 38. an Expo/tion upon the Boolt,of ] o s. Verf, 35. 261 Their powers and venues, their efficacies and influences are not at our command, but if we look up to God and wait upon him in prayer, he can command them all to give out their venues both to ferve our `aeceflìties and accommodate our delights. Now, as in this queflion God (hews jeb his infufficiency to command water; fo in the next to command fire f;om the clouds. Var. 3 s. Canft thou fend lightnings that they may go, and fay canto thee, herewe are ? What lightning is, bath been Chewed once or micealready, in this and the former Chapter, and therefore I (hall not flay here in any difcourfe, either about the nature or the wonderful effe&tsof lightning. But the Lords manner of fpeaking, and his purpofe in fpeak, ing here about the lightning is very confiderable, and calls for further difcourfe. Cana thou fend lightnings that they may go, &c. As it the Lord had faid, If thou canft not prevail with the clouds to fend rain ? canff thouprevail with them tofend light- ning? haft thou the command of thunder and lightning? will the lightningscome forth at thy bidding ? The words may have a double allufson. i. To the General of an Army commanding his Souldicrs , and they going at his word. zt To the Ivf atrhis word`'tCang- thou rend lightnings his Se. wants, and they a , that they may go and fay unto thee here we are? or, as the Hebrew is, Be- hold tu. That manner of fheech here we areor behold to ,is a defcripri on of the,mo(} ready obedience, either of Souldiets to their General, or of Servants to their Mailer. Will the lightnings obey thee thus, and fry, here we are ? Some expound thefe words, as fuppofed to be fpoken by the lightnings,upon their re- turn from fore former fervice given them in charge byGod, as having difpatcht what they were lent for, and were ready togo again. Hence the Latine tranflator gives it thus ; That they be 71trerc>ti, ing returned (or after their return) fhould fayunto theewith revs.- tibi dreemad. rcrct here weare. a. Ready to go whicherfoever thou wilt