Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v12

-262 Chap. 3$. Fxpofition upon the Boo, of J o B. Verf.35 . fend us. z. Ready to do whatfoever thou wilt enjoyn us.. As if the Lord had faid ; Canfl thou fend forth the lightnings , and will they return to thee, and fay, we havedone thy commands , and here we are again to receive frefh commands, or new orders from thee ? Surely, as the rain will not thus obey thee, fo neither will the lightnings, neither the one nor the other will be thy fervants, to go of thy errand, or execute thy will. The fame note which I gave before concerning the rain, might be taken up here again concerning the lightnings, They arenot under the commandof man, &c. Secondly, for as much as the Lord here denies this priviledge, both refpe&ing the rain and lightning unto man, he would have gas underfiand and know that both are in himfelf ; though you cannot, yet I can command them, both are under my dominion. While the Lord thews fob his impotency to command thefe me- teors, he afl'erts his own omnipotency ; as he hach made them, fohe can rule them. Hence obferve; All creatures, even thofe which feem to be moll out of cone- mand, are fully under the command of God, What, to appearance, is more our of command than the lightning, that quick, that piercing, that fierce and fiery crea- ture, yet that airs nomore than a Bone, till the Lord commands; and at his command it (firs, and is gone in a moment. The Lord God bath fpoken ( faith the Prophet Amos 3, 8. ) who can but prophefie ? And as a faithful Prophet cannot but prophecy, fo the not only faithlefs, but fenfeiefs creatures cannot but what God bath fpoken. That of the Pfalmifl (Tfal,- ro4,4.) Which we read, who malZeth his Angels fpirits, his (MI.11iffers a flaming fire ; fome rende, thus, whomalketh the winds his meffengers, and the flames of frehis miniflers, That is, he Verb tempeftuous winos and fl ,rues of fire as his meffengers and minifters. The fame Hebrew word that,fignifieth ane4nget, fignifieth a MLfeffen- ger, at large, and the fame word that Ggnifieth aSpirit, fignifieth alto the Wind. And as the words, fo the truth will bear both tranflations or conftruaions ; for as thofe higher or higheft of ra- tional creatures, the Angels ; fo thole high inanimate creatures, thewinds and lightnings, which mayproperly becalled flames of fre,