Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v12

Chap. 38. An Expofition upon the Bookof J o B. Verf. 3 5. fire, are the MiniUers and meffengers of God ; that is, they go forth and Miniffer according to his Word, they fay,Here we are, Tne Lord by a call or word (peaking can have whom and what he will to ferve his purpofe, and fulhl his decrees. Ir is laid (t Icing. 8. I.asalto, Pfd. roS. i6.) 7he Lordcalled for a fa Mine, a famine of bread ; and he no fooner called, but the fa- mine came, and Paid, HereamI ; the famine prefently brake the flaffof bread, and did eat up all the good of the Land. The Prophet Haggai (Chap. a. e r.) reprefents the Lord, laying, I called for a drought (which is the ufual fore-runner of famine) and the drought laid, Heream I it came prefently as loon as the Lord commanded. On the other hand, when the Lord made manypromifes under the newCovenant, among other thing=, he laid , Iwill call for plenty (Ezek. 36. 29.) I mill call for the corn, andwill increafe it, and lay nofamine upon you. As in thofe other places he called for famine and drought, fo here he faith, I will call for plenty, and it (hall fay, Here am l ; abundance of corn and grafs, and fruits of the earth came at that call. Lamenting 7eremiah (peaking of the woful captivityof the people of Ijrael, faith (Lam. a. a i.) The Lordcalled an affembly agatnff me, that is, I conceive,an affembly of the off'yrians and Babylonians, an affembly of men, an army of men ; he caufed them to affemble and come together ; he did but call, and they Paid, Here we are, and we will go vex 7udah and Derr,falem. Thus, if the Lord call for famine and drought , if he call for an affembly of men, for men air-ambled with the (word of war in their hand, ropuni(h and chafl:ife any people for their fin ; they will fufely come and dohis pleafure : whatever the Lord cali3 for, cannot but come. Take this inference from it ; If the Lord havefach a command upon all creatures, even the inanimate creatures; if the lightnings anforer h,mwhen he calls, Here we are, Then bow readily /holdmen, the bell of vifible creatures anfwer his call and fay, Here we are ? When the Lord fuid to Abraham (Gen. la . r.) Get thee out of thy Country, and from tbyKindred, and from thy Fathers boude, unto aLand that l fhall (hew thee, he never difputed the cafe, but (faith theApoftle, Heb. 'I. 8.) Obeyedand went out, not know- jug whither ke went, He never enquired what the place was to which 26;