Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v12

1,f4j:;14. il sól. Chap. 38. an Expofation upon the Bock, of J o B. Verf. 35: which he was to go, nor what accommodations he fhould find when he came thither : e4brahano knew he was to go whither God called him to go, thoughwhither he was togo he knew nor. And when long after this the Lord called to Abraham ( I .) he laid, Behold, here 1 am ; or, Beheldme ; as if he had laid, Lord, I am fiere ready to obey thy command, to go of thy errand, tocarry whatever meffage thou (halt put into my, mouth, to do whatever workthou fhalt put intomy hand; and that Abraham did not complement with God, it appears in the fame Chapter ; for though whenGod commanded him to offer uphis Son,his enly Son Ifaac,wbom he loved,everyword was enough towoundhis heart, & the laft deepefi(ro part with a Son is hard,with an only Son har- der,with a fon dearly beloved, is hardefl of all, efpeciallywhenhe muff ba not only pailive but alive in this lofs,& hisown hand muff give the parting blow) yet &Abraham being called to this hard and hot fervice, Paid, Here amI, and readily obeyed. This readi- nefs atthe call of God, Davidprofetfed from hisown experience (Pfal,'27. 8.) when thoufaidlf, feek ye my face, my heart faidun- to thee, thy face Lordwill I feel:. That is, as thou haft comman- ded that I fhould worfhip thee, fo I do ; or, what thou,0Lord, fayeft, is my deli-e; thy command is not only the refolution, but the requeft and lupplication of my foul. We have the like readï- nefs of that holy Prophet Ifaiah, who ( after the Angel with a coal from the Altar had touched his lips, and cleanfed him from hisfilthinefs) hearing the Lord enquire for a meffenger, Whom fhallIfend'? p-efently anfwered (as the lightning in the Text) Here am 1, fedme(I(6.3.)Lord,I am ready to go whitherfoever thou wilt fend me.This (houldbe,&,in fotne tneafure is the tem- per of all believers; though they may have,& ro their farrow, find . many relud?ancies and (tops,yèt this is in the heart of every true believer to be ready at the call of God,&ro fay,HereI am.When the Apoftle Patel had to preach the gofpel ofCh rift, which once he perfecured, Immediately (faith he, Gal. a. id.) I con- ferred not with fiefh and blood ; he made nodelayes, -muchlefs any excufes, leaft of all any d niale, but was obed'ent to the heavenly I`ifton. As foonas he had that vifion and call fromGod to go and preach the Gofpef, he never (kood rearming and conferring with flefh and blood, he put no queftions, he asked not this or that mans opinion, whether it were bellforhim to go or not ; neither did