Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v12

Chap. 38. An Expofition upon the B00%of J o B. Verf.34, a65 did he confer with the fle(b andblood in his own heart, he con- ferrednot with himfelf, he consulted not his own fafety, nor any carnal interefis, but did as he was commanded. And unlefs we do thus, not onlywill the ordinary practife of fervants to Ma- ffers rile up in judgement againft us (Mat. 8:9. I am a man un® der anthority (laid the Centurion ) having foldiers sander me ; I have a fuperior officer, and I have inferior foldiers, and 1 fay to onego, and hegoeth ; and toanother come, and-he cometh : Such is or ought to be the carriage of foldiers and fervants towards their Superiors. Now I fay, unlefs we readily obey the voice of God, not only will the daily pra&ife of fervants, but the pra&ife (if I may fo (peak) of the lightnings from the clouds, will rife up in judgement again(' us and condemn us. Shall a fervant fay, Here 1am, at the call of man ? Shall the lightning fay, here Iam, at the call of God? and (hall notman fay fo at Gods call ? Shall men put queflions to Gods commands ? Shall they query, h,/ill the world bear it ifI do this? or, will this fiand with my cafe andpro- fit, withmy credit or commodity, when God regsires it ? If any do fo, the lightning may flail' in the face of their confciences, and not only Waft them as fiubbort and difobedient, but brand them for foolith and unwire, or,at leaf+,for want of wifdom; about which the queflion is put to lob in the next verfe, Verf. 36. Who bathput wifdom into the inwardparts? and whobathgiven underffanding to theheart. Some Interpreters conceive, that at this verfe theLotd enters difcourfe with, or begins to queflion fob concerningliving crea- tures; and beginning here with man, the chiefeftof vilible li- ving creatures, he proceeds to inferior living creatures , the beans of the earth, and the fowlsof theair, as followeth in the 39th Chapter : Yet the very next verfe offers a great obje&ion again(} this opinion ; for there return is made to the former mat- ter, the works of nature. Verf. 37. who can number the clouds in w:fdom ? or whocan flay the bottles of heaven ? And therefore I rather conceive, that this 36th verfe is to be joyned with the two former already opened ; as if here the Lord would convince man, that as he huh notpower fufficient to corn- M m mand,