Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v12

266 Chap. 38. en Expofitionupon the Book ofJ o B. Verf. 33. mend, fo not wifdom enough to dilpofe, either of the Rain or of the Lightnings ; under which, by a Synechdoche, all other crea- tures may be comprehended. As if God had laid, whatever wilder); an bath, it of my putting into him ; now I have not gi- ven him wifdom enough, nor taught him bozo to order and d fpfe he clouds and lightnings ; and if 1have not given himwifdom for thefe, things, whence fhould hehave it ? So then, according to this way of interpretation, the 37thverl which followed, gives a realm why man cannot attain to this priviledge, the government of the clouds, the difpofal of rain and lighmings, even becauCe God hach not given him any fuch wifdom. All the wifdomwhich man hath, is the gift of God ; but God bath not given man wifdom to order the clouds and lightnings, therefore he bath no fuch wifdom. Who bathput wifdom into the inward parts ? Wifdom may be takeneither generally for knowledge, which is the light of the mind, and may be called fpeculative know- ledge ; or particularly, for prudence, which is pra&ical know- ledge, in the due ordering and manage of things before us. Who bathput wifdom, of either fort, Into the inward parts ? The word which we tranfláte inward parts,fignifies fometimes the Reins, and fometimes the Heart, The Chaldee parap.hrafe renders, whohath put wifdom into the heart : The matter is not much, to which of themwe determine it ; for, though theheart in Scripture, is ufually put for the feat of tfdom, and the Reins far the feat of the affe&ions ; yet David faith, My reins infru í me in the night leaton (Pfal. 16,7.) To infiru&or teach, is pro- perly the work of wifdom. The word is well rendred by us, the Inwardparts, for that rakes in all ; wifdom lyeth within (Pfeil. 51. 6.) Behold thou defirefì truth in the inward parts , and in the hidden (part) thou floalt make meto know wifdom. The inward parts, in the former part of that verfe, and the hidden (part) in the latter, are the fame ; by both, or either, he means his foul in all the faculties or operations of it. And indeed, neither the Reins nor the Heart, nor any, nor all the members of the body, are properly or firi&ly wifdoms feat. Wifdom is lodged in the foul,