Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v12

Chap. 3 3. An Expofrtion upon the Book of J o a. Verf. 3 3. a67 foul, in the man ofman, as fome call it ; and rentia therefore that mull a non needsbe intended here : but becaufe Naturalifts fpeak of wif: St mum nc rdom, as lodged and exercifed in bodily parts, fome placing it in de fed q inro. the heart, fcme in the head, others in the reins ; therefore we nibus atiquo maywell place it (as our Tranflation expreffeth it) in the inward modo'po,/ita eft. parts. The original word Iiri&ly imports, that which is covered hamd ands over, the root is rendred to cover; and Grammarians give this ho itdi i a reafon of ir, becaufe the reins and kidneys are covered with fat. quadam,(apien- But Peeing all the inward pares of man are in a fenfe covered ti,irradietur. parts, that notation of the word may very well fort with our Coe. Tranflation ; as alio with that which is the expofition of the in- Renes Vi T1 t9 ner parts, the mind or foul of man. So then,who bathput wifdom occnvoat into the inward parts, is plainly this ; Who huhplanted it in the quis font obli- mind or foul of man ? who bath rooted it there ? who bath made taadipe.Dstis. man wife? fame give the fenfe thus, Who bath made man a reafonable creature? or beffowed that rational faculty upon man, whereby he is able to apprehend the truth of the works of God, and to inquire into, and find out many fecrets innature ? Thus fome (I lay) expound ir, fpecially of that rational power with which man,as man,is naturallyendowed, and not of wifdom at- tained in Schools and Academies by fEudy,or in the world by ex- perience, uis ofttít, which is but the lightning of reafon, or of that natural iPfinuani wifdom planted by God in man as a reafonable creature. Ta- fe de isafapi- king this fenfe, Wbo bath put wifdom into the inward parts, is no antis loqur, more but this ; Who bath made man a rational creature ? who Ilk enecco-ope- among men, can take this honour to himfelf, and fay, I have put n "tti Q, this wifdotn,called reafon,into my felf or any man? furely none : humana, nee 'Tis the foie prerogative of God to put wifdom,in the loweff and perusamdifci= commoneR notion of it, reafon, into the mind of man. whobath plinam acquifr- put wifdom into the inward parts? to eft janfon: Hence obferve ; Mans natural reafon is the gift of God. MI wifdom floweth fromGod, the eternal and inexhautible fountain of wifdom ; it is of God that all men have reafon, as well as that any men have grace. Reafon is avery great gift, take it barely, asunpollithed and unheightned,byRudy, by Arts,Sci- ences and experiences : Wifdom, as planted in nature, is a high favour. As gracefits one man above another, fo this'natural Mm 2 wìfdcn!B