Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v12

8 Chap. 38. an Expo(tien upon the Book of ] o B. Verf. 3 4 wifdom letsevery tmn above the bell of bruits. And as this wif- dom in man (which is properly called wifdom) to that Analogical wifdom, or that appearance of v,iidom, that is in many fubtile b:uir,io o Gods put,,ir,a& planting too.And if fo,then much more thole hi0,her indo wments, the pollifhings and the inrichings of mans reafon,are of God. Reafon is that ground or foyl, which being tilled and drefs'd, manured and well wrought upon, brings, forth thofe excellent fruits of wifdom which ennoble the mind of man. (fames 17.) Everygood gift, and everyperfe5`f gift is fromabove. 7he goodgift, may be taken for natural wifdom; that's of God : and the perfekt gift, for infufed wifdom, efpecial- ly in fpiritual things ; that's more of God, that's chiefly from a- bove, and comes down from the father of lights, with whom there is no variablenefs nor fhadow ofturning. From this point we may infer, Fitfl, Seeing wifdom, both that which is planted in man, as a rational creature, and that alïo which man acquires by induflry, is of God, Then God knoweth how wife av man es, and what any mans wifdom amounts to. God can eafily compafs the wifefi man in the world. Thewifdom of force men is beyond the compafs of many men ; but the wifdom of all men, is infinitely within the compafs of God. He that hath put wifdom into man, is him- fellwifer than all men. Thus. David argued(Pfal.94.9.) He that planted the ear, (hall not he hear ? and be that formed the eye, (halt he not fee ? doubtlefs he doth. God bath made fight and hear- ing, and therefore the feeing and the hearing powers are tran- fcendently in God.. And as it followeth (verf. co.) He that teachethman knowledge, [hall not he underftand ? certainly he cloth. He underfiands and knows, not only what men underffandand know, but he underllands how much underfianding, and what knowledge any man hash ; God looks through all. Secondly, If God bath put wifdom into man, thenhe can take wifdom fromman, be can deflroy the wifdom of the wife, he can turn the wisdom òf an Achithophel into foolifhnefs. As he can make a fool wife, fohe can make a wife mana -fool, or befool the wifefl men. Thirdly, If all wifdom be of the Lords putting in, then let none be proudof their wifdom. There is nothing that we are fo as to be proud of as of our wifdom.. If we have but better na- tural