Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v12

Chap 38, rsn Expoltion upon the Book of ] o B. Verf. 35. 269 carat parts than others, we are pretently lifted up above others ; if we have better acquirements than others, we are apt to be proud of our [elves. A little knowledge puffeth up, and indeed that which put%th up is but a little. True wifdom, though:grear, Both not puffup, for that leads us to him that gives us wifdo.n, and that will keep us humble. Fourthly, We may infer, if the Lordbathput wifdom intoman, then man ought to be tbanbful to the Lord for the wifdom he bath. As man fhould not be proud of his wifdom, becaufe how much foever he bath, he bath received it; fo man ought to be very thankful for wifdom, becaufe how much or how little foever it is he bath received it. If all receipts from God call for thanks, how much more this receipt of wifdom ? which, next CO grace, is the moll precious thing we receive from him, and is it leis' fometimes put for grace. Fifthly, If wifdom be of Clods pùttiçg intoman ? then let men be careful to ufe their wifdom for God. That flock which another manbath put intoour hands, he expects we fhould ufe it for him ; efpecially, that we fhould not ufe it againfl him, or to his difadvantage. Haw wicked are they, who are fo far from ufing their wifdom for God, that they ufe it againfl God, that is, againfl his interefl, truth, and fervants. pharaoh laid ( Exod. I. to.) Come on, let we deal wifely with them. And what was it for , but to vex and enflave Gods firfi born, the people of Ifrael. He that imploys his wifdom to any evil purpofe, imployeth it againfl God, and fo armes himfelf withwhat he bath received from God to refill God : Wo to chorewho do fo. Wifdom is of Gods giving ; uie it then for him, and dedicate it to him ; above all, take heedof ufing it againfl him. It had been better for that man that he had been a bruit, than that he fhould be fo brutifh , as to imploy his underflanding and real-on againfl God. Sixthly, If the Lord bath put wifdom into man ; 'Then man weft be accountable to God for bùwifdom, as alto for all the other talentswhich he bath received. Wifdom is a great talent ; they who art fo wife as to know what that means, will ufe it trem- blingly, that they may give their account'rejoycingly. They -are wife indeed 'wthotla?ly confider,' whence Or`fromwhoa they th d their wifdom, and before whom they muff come to a reckon- ing