Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v12

Chap. 38. an Expofitionupon theBoak,ofJo B. Verf. 3 a. 271 to any family, he bath his r, and fecond, and third crowing ; áalmudici in fifl s and having a kind of natural infiinci concerning the courfe and udaicw pre- catinnibus di- return of the Sun, he claps his wings and crows, as 'rejoycing at cttur at docens his coming, andwilling to awaken all to entertain him and pre- cumgallau ca- pare themfelves for labour, Rudy and bufinefs, at his approach. no nit dten m - de But I Chaff not flay upon this ; And the general fiream of inter- t ,c ui preterskeeps in the former channel, expounding this latter part tut ín:gli- of the Verfe as the former, with refpea to man. Who bath gentiam. given underftanding to the heart ? It is a truth(I grant ) which Golf c mina the yewi fh 7almudiffs teach, that God is to be praifed who hath kaud dubio non given fuch underflanding to the Cock, that he is able to dillin- a&tt"dequan' d guifh the hours of the night, and tell us of the approaching day, noftia momenta that it furprize us not likefluggards unawares.Thenatural fliflo:i- dif:ernere gro- anreports the ufeful qualities of the Cock,: And one of the An,i- (*vim do entswittily takes notice of the Cocks crowing in the Gofpel, J pro awakened Deter, according to Chri(Is prediclìon , Before exponamue, Merc. the Cock, crow twice, thou ¡halt denyme thrice : The Cock (faith I'lì he) wa o a Preacher tocall Peter to repentance. Chrifl made de of Ganravit Gal- a Cock to preis that eminent Difciple into a conviélion of, and rs uon uuem forrow for his fin ; for at the crowing of the Cock, be remem-. porodßingue. bred the words of Chrift, went out and wept bitterly, ret, feel ut pe- But that the queflion propounded to job in this Verle con- trus pxniteret, . cernes the wifdom given toman, not to beafls or,birds, is plain- Arnbrof. ly proved by the queflions put him in the two Verfes following. Which {hew that though God hath given matt wifdom fufficient for many great purpofes, yet not for the purpofe there exprefled , as not for feveral other purpofes. Verf. 37, 38. who can numbes the clouds inmìfdom ? or who can flay the bottles of heaven, when the duff growetb into bardnefs, and the clouds cleave fall together? In there two Verfes we have twoqueflions more propounded 17P' by Cod to 7ob. The firfi whereof is about the nucnbring, the Cecond (though under another title) about the flopping of the clouds. Whocárí number the clouds in wifdom ? The word rendred clouds is fometimes .tranflated heavens; and fo alearned Interpreter gives it here ; to which he adds this glofs,