Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v12

272 Chap. 38. an ?xpoftion upon theBoo1¿, of J o 8. Verf.35 tam glofs, Who bath made the heavens with fuch wifdom in that num.. denrer feait? $er wherein they are ?Pwho can number them? The word rendred calm eonum. number fignifieth both to number things Arithmetically, and to ro goo Saalslfunt' demonfrate them Logically ; and it may be taken in either or both fenfes here, who can number the clouds in wifdom ? that is, who path wifdom fufficient ro tell how many clouds there are ? Man bath not arithmetick enough tonumber them. The clouds are many in their forts or kinds, and they are many more in their fingulars, or (if I may fo fpeak) individuals ; there are many forts of clouds, and thereare many of every fort ; as there are many forts of living creatures, and very many of every fort, fo of the clouds ; we may as well number the waves of the fea or the Bars, as the clouds of heaven. If we look up to one part of heaven, we may fee more clouds than we can number; how great then is the number ofthe clouds in the whole circumference of the heavens? Again, taking the word as it fignifieth todemonffrate logically, or to declare, the quefiòn imports thus much;Who can clearly and perfeIly fer forth the nature of theclouds or the various effe &s which they produce, and fervices which they art imploy- ed in ? Who can, either in the former fenfe or in this, number the flanof heaven? Hence note; The wifeff among men can neither exatily tell how many the clouds are, nor fullydemonfirate what theyare. As the number and nature of the firs, foof the clouds ( which are beneath the fars) exceedmans wifdom. The leaf-and to vef works of God are above mans reach, how much more hisgreatef# works, and thofe which are far above ? Yet further, from this word which we tranflate to number, to declare, or demonffrate, that precious Hone the Saphir, mentioned &uis fapphiri- often in Scriptures bath its name ; and fo the Text is rendred n,selfecitnu- thus, who can make the clouds faphirine,or like a Saphir ? the hes fapientia ? meaning is, who can make the clouds bright andclear like the Sa- Jug. phirftone ? The Saphir is a moli pleafant refplendent and beauti- ful gem t That glorious throne which was (hewed the Prophet in vifion ( Ezek. t. 2.6.) had the appearanceof a Saphirfione, that is, it had amof excellent and illuftrious appearance. Now faith