Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v12

274 . Chap. 38. an Expofition upon the Book of J o B. .Vert. 37. eat, nor drink, nor fleep : Yea, they.tell us, that Mofes while he did not ear, nor drink, nor flcep thole fortydays in the Mount, was all that while taken up, and ravifhed with that Mufick ; but you may putthat amongYen :4 fh fables. Sober mtn following this tranflation, who can flay the mufick of heaven ? underhand by ir only the harmonious concord and agreement , which all the heavenly Orbes unfailably obferve in their feveral courfes, without the leaf/ jarr or difcord. That's a truth, (hewing the great wifdom and power of God, who bath put the heavens into fuch a fweet order, that they move,not only conllantly,but harmonioufly. Though the motion of the heavens, makes no audible or proper mufick, yet it makes an intelligible or metaphorical mufick, that is, the heavens move orderly, there is anagreement in their motion, which is the fweetell mufick in heaven among Saints and Angels, and among good men on earth. We fayof men moving peaceably in their places, as becomes them, there is -a harmony among them. And how blef ed a thing would it be, to fee all fortsof men moving orderly in their fpheres ? what a harmony would it make, to fee every one do- ing his duty, and doing it in his place ? whereas to`tìtitduty, makes our lives ufelefs ; and to do it out of our place, makes us troublefome and unharmonious,. And therefore,, though I infili not upon this reading, yet it were well if all would infili upon the moral of ir, labouring to make harmony (as much as may be) in all their motions. But I pats from it, and ref] in our own, Who canflay the bottles of heaven, that is, who can make them leave raining ? The Lord by a late queflion convinced job that no man can make it rain (verf. 34.) CanfI thou lift up thy voice to theclouds, that abundance of waters may cover thee ? and by this queflion he would convince him, that no man can °bane or hinder the rain. who can flay thebottles of heaven? Hence cbferve, It is God who flayethor reflraineth theclouds from raining. Should not the Lord put floppies into thofe bottles ? Should not he dote up thofe barrels, they would dropdown continually ?' and in 'lead of watering, drown the earth. When in the days of Noah the Lord opened the bóttles of heaven forty days to- gether