Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v12

Chap. 33. an Expofation upon the Book of J o B, Verf. a8. 275 °ether, who could flop or flay them ? Did not the clouds pour down till the whole world was over- whelmed ? and unlefs the Lord did now flay the clouds, and forbid them to give out their whole flock, they would again over-whelm the world. There are Seas of Waters above our heads, God keeps them in from hurting the earth , and lets them out to help it.. The next verfe intimates at leali this power of God over the clouds and the feafonwhen he exercifeth it:Who canflay the bottles of heaven? Verf. 3 8. when the daft growth (or is poured) intohardnefs, and the clods cleave fait together ? The Margin of our Bibles gives us the former part of the verge in a very different tranfiation , thus, when the duff is turned into mire. The earthbath had its fill, if not too much rain, when the duR is turned into mire ? And when 'cis fo, who but God flayeth the bottles of heaven from pouring down over- much? But I Chaff only open the reading in the Text, of which there are two interpretations. Fir(I , Some expound it of llayjng the rain when there is inofl need of rain, or when the earth wants it moll, or in a time of drought: For then the earth groweth hard like a molten-pil- lar, and the clods thereof cleaving one to another make clefts in the body of the earth. In a time of great drought, the earth at oncecleaves afunder, and runs clofer together, as it were to fuccour it felt. Who flayeth the bottles of heaven, when the earth is chapt and gapes for rain to fofren and cool it ? Surely man doth it not, nor can he be Paid to do it (unlefs meritorioafly) It isGod alone who efficiently flays the clouds from rain in a time of drought, or when the neceflities of the earth call aloud for ir. Taking the words in this fenfe. Obferve ; God can flop any of our mercies (ashere the rain) when tre have moft needof them. I ( faith the Lord limos 4. 7. ) havewithholden the rain from you when there were yet three months to the harveft, and 1caufed et to rain uponone City, andcaufed it not to rainupon another City; one ¿iece woo rained upon, and the piece whereupon it rained not, N n 2 withered;