Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v12

Chap. 38. AnExpo!tion upon the Boo(of J o B. Verf. 38. 277 (Dent. 2.8.24.) to make the rain of their Land powderand duff; that is, they fhould have duff and powder , inflead of water. cat 'Long drought turns the earth to duff. In this learn, how gre mercy there is in. rain. Secondly note, The Lordknows when theearth bath had fufficient rain. And therefore (unlefs in judgement)he will not let the clouds runwaft he will flay his bottles from letting down one drop more, when once the duff (by rain falling upon it) growth in>o bardnefs}and the clods cleavefait together. Note Thirdly, 'Tis a mercy, when the earth bath enough, that rodflops the bottles. As it isa duty, when we have drank enough, to flop the bat- tl'e,that is, togive over drinking ; fo 'tisa mercy, that theLord flops thebottles when the earth bath drank enough.. When the earth bath enough, the Lord fometimes will not (top the bottles of heaven, but lets them pour down rain, till the fruits of the earth are utterly fpoyled ; and this he doth for the punifhment of mans fin always, and fometimes for the puni(hment of chofe fpecial fina, mans unthankfulnefs for,, and abufe of the fruits of the earth ; that is, becaufe hedid not flay che bottle, when he had taken enough. Now,.if the Lordknows whereto give rain,and when to flop it, with refpe& to husbandry, and the natural fruits of the, earth, then doubtlefshe knows and will take care to give rain for the fouls of his people, when they have need. (P(al, 68. s.) Thou, ®.God, didflfend a plentiful rain, whereby thou didft confirm thine inheritance, when it was weary; which is fpecially meant of fpi- ritual rain. There arebottles of heavenwhich water fouls. The Preachers of the word are thofe bottles or clouds,which hold and deflil the myflical rain;& the Lord will not flop them,till he fees the hearts of men made fit to bring forth the fruitsof righteouf- nefs & holine(s;he will not flop(I tay)thar fpiritual rain,tiWthisbe effe&ed, unlefs in judgement to a people, that have defpifed the rain,and flighted chofe showers of divine doélrine;againft fuch the Lord will flop the bottlesof heaven, &then their fo )is turn to duff, and