Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v12

27$ Chap. 38. an Enpotion upon the Boekof o B. Verf. 39: ~Y and their hearts become hard as rocks, or like the mountains, uponwhich neither rain nor dewfalls, fruitlefs and barren of eve- ry good word and work. 3 O B, Chap. 38. Verf. 39, 40, 41. 39. Wilt thou hunt theprey for theLion z orfall the appetite ofthe youngLions, 40, When they couch in their dens, and abide in the covert to lie inwait ? 4i. Who providethfor the Raven hit? food? when hisyoung ones cry unto God, they wander for lack of neat. THe Lord having by a multitude of queflions propofed'to Sob concerning marinates, or creatures without life, fuch as are the Earth, the Sea, the Heavens, the Clouds and Meteors, (having, I fay, by there queflions) convinced him of his weaknefs and infufficiency , as alfo, of the tranfcendent power and wif- dom, which abideth and reudeth everlaflingly in himfelf; he now undertakes Job for the fame ends, by puttinghim queflions about the livingcreatures, and thole of three forms or forts Firff, About the beafis of the earth. . Secondly, About the fowlsof the Air. Thirdly, About the fifh of theSea. The Lord gives particular inffance, or makes inquiry about thirteenkinds of livingcreatures ; whereof (even abide upon the earth, five in the air, one in the waters. The feven creatures inquired about, which abideon the earth, are, PHI, The Lion ; Secondly, The wilde Goat ; Thirdly, The Hind ; Fourthly, The wilde Aft ; Fifthly, The Vnicorn ; Sixthly, the Horfe ; and, Seventhly, The Elephant, under the name of Behemoth, as is molt generallyconceived. Thefive creatures inquired about, thailive in the air, are,Firtl, The Raven; Secondly, the Peacock; Thirdly, The Ofrich; Fourthly, The Hawk; and, Fifthly, TheEagle. Of the third fort, namely, fuch as live in the water, or in the Sea a