Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v12

Chap. 38. an Expo/titian tapon the Book,of Jost. Verf. 39 279 Sea, Job is queflioned only about one, the Leviathan, or the pijhale, a creature of a vaamagnitude ; of fo vat+ a magnitude, that take all the othertwelve creatures and joyn them together, the Leviathan exceeds them all in magnitude ; as will appear in the defcription given of him at large, in the one and fortieth Chapter. The Lord in this latter difcourfe with, or queflronrng of Tob, feems to defcend, or to put matter of eafer refolution to him thanhehad done before, and doubtlefs he cloth ; yet he Both it for the greater and fuller convi&ion and humiliation of Job. As if the Lord had Paid, If(O Job) thou findef# thy 'elf pux.led and unable to give any tolerable anfwer and refolution to the queflions which Ihave propofed, about the wholebulk, or body of the earth and Sea, or about tbofegreat things that are wrought in the heavexu,and in the air, then confider, how thou art able to anfwer my queflions aboutthefe leffer things, which are alfo near unto thee, thekills of the earth, fowlsof theair, and the Rh of the Sea. The Lord even in thofe works, makes manifefl his glorious perfeaions, far ex- ceeding the reach and apprehenfion of man, as well as in, yea more than in, thofe other works of his mentioned before. There are two things efpecially, of which the Lord would convince fob, with refpe6 to thefe living creatures Firfl, Of his care and providence in the provifion that he dai- ly makes for them. Secondly, Of his power and wifdom, in the extraordinary arength and orange qualities which he kath bellowed upon them, and indued them with ; in fome of which they much furpafs man, the maflerpiece,and mailer of the wholeinvilbleCreation. The general fcope and aim of God, in putting queflions to Job about there living creatures, feems to anfwer a fecret doubt which Tome might have concerning his providence. True, the Lordgoverns theHeavens, the Stars, the 7hutsder, the Lightnings, the Rain ; but doth he look after things below ? yea, the Lords care and "providence about inferior creatures, is very great, conde- fcending to the very wilde beets of the-earth, to the fowls of the Egogui omnia' air, as alto, to the fifh of the Sea ; and hence the Lo-d would jufla difpenfa- have Job underfland, that furely he had a oiichgreater care of tioneprocuro, him, and of the affairs of the children of men. Whocan but "el'a tetanrusit OJob vickbot conclude,' That if theLo;d bath fuch'a refpen to thetanational injujlas. crea: (hilip.