Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v12

280 Chap. 38. an Fxpofrtion upon the Book, of J o B. Verf. 39 creatures, which live only the life of fence, then much more bathhe a care of man, and amongmen, of good men, who are his children, and of them molt of all in their afflietions and troubles. So that, the Lord by there queflions, feems to be- fpeakYob thus : Horn comes it to pafs, that thou *Weillfomete', at doubt, whether I take care of thee or no, when I take careof, and look to thewilde beafsof the earth, to the fowls thatflit in the air, yea, to the f fh.that fwimunfeen in theSea ? Or thus, Am I them felicitous tolookafter Lions and Goats, Hinds and Oaüen.s, the Ofrich a -d the Peacock? &c. am I fo careful to look after theft Vodifcat Job creatures, manyof whichare of very little :if-eta man, and fame of aUeum nonfm- thema trouble to man ? and deft. thou think1 will not have a care of vitoe e,Jfe Juas,gaí tain m thee? learn therefore from what I now queflion thee about, that I beneficur foe in can never be cruel to thee, or forgetful of myfaithful fervants, who feros.Çhryfoil am mindfulof the bruit hafts and ravenous birds. This feems to be the general tendency of the Lords dircourfe with job, conti- nued from the clofeof this 38. Chapter, quite through the 3q. a great part of the 4o. and the whole 41 Chapter. Having thus given a prof-pea of the whole, I thatl now pro- ceed to the particular animals here named, and to that farft which is not only named in the order of the Text, but is looked upon alfo as fire indignity, a King amongbeaus, the Lion. Verf. 39. Wilt thou hunt the preyfor the Lion? The Lord fpeaks thus, b:caufe the Lion is a beau of prey, he livech by hunting; by hunting, catching, and feeding upon other beaus ; the Lion is a Nimrod in the world, a mighty Hu.ter: Naruraliils fay, he is focurious in his diet, that he fcorns to feed upon any carcafe that he bath not bunted. and killed himfelf, or that bath nor been hunted by.a Lion. He will not touch a carcafe that lies dead in the held ;but what h.; feeds upon,is what he con- quers and kills, and that therefore it is here laid, Wilt thou hunt the prey for the Lion ? .thouneedu lux, he is able enough tohunt for himfelf. - '!'' " Yet fome Travellers report, that there is a little bull called ',1' 3ackal, fomewhat bigger than a `Fox, who ufually Both that fer- 'HI l vice for the Lion, to hunt the prey for him, and may be called the Purchas rilgr. Lions Hunter. Mr, .P"orchas, in that Book called his Pilgrimage, I' 1379. gives us this relateoi- ; Z-bf Lion (faithhe) bath the Jackalfor bis