Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v12

Chap. 3 3. AnExpofitionupon the Bookof Jo s. Verf. 3 9g. s 3 red to a Lion upon all thole accounts before named, for which worthy and heroick Kings are fo compared for, Firf}, Jefus Chrif} is Kingof Kings, and Lordof Lords (Rev. 19. 16.) Ile is highly exalted ; he batha name given him above every name, that at the nameof Jefus every knee Jhould bow, of things in hea- ven, and things in earth,and things under the earth (Phil. 2.9,to.) And as Jefus Chrif} is like the Lion for bis fuperio:ity, fo, Se- condly,tor his clement)/ & true noblcnefs of fpirit towards thofe who yield unto him. 'Tis enough indeed, to humble our felves before this Lion. How ready muf} Chrift be to receive and em- brace humbled (inners, who humbled himfelf todeath, that he might Pave fingers, even while they were proud and rebelled a- gaint} him! Thirdly, Jefus Chriu is a Lion alto, in refped} of his watchfulnefs over his Church. This Lion that keeps Ífrael, nei- therflumbers norfleeps (Pfal. 121. 4.) and, Fourthly, for his inm vincible courageand f}rengrh,aiways ready tobe put forth for his Church. The Prophet Ufa. 31. 4,) compares Chrif} to a Lion, that will nor be frighted ; Like as the Lion (faith he) and the young Lionroaring on his prey ; when a multitude of Shepherds ie calledout againfl him, he will not beafraidof their voice, nor abafé himfelf for the :toile of them ; fo Jhall the Lord of Hots him[elf come down tofight for mount Sion, and for the bill thereof. As if the Prophet had faid, God will protea Jerufalem again(} all her enemies (the e, yrian forces are there fpecially intended) no more regarding or fearing them, than a fierce Lion in the prime of his f}rength, will regard or fear a company of fimple Shep- herds, that {hall attempt to refcue his prey from between his teeth.And becaufe of this Lion-like power and courage of Chrif} for his Church,another Prophet faith,that the Church herfelf (hall be as a Lion(M¡c. 5.8.)And the remnant of jacob(thar is,the true Church)f 'afl beamong theGentiles,in the midfl ofmany people(who are enemies and unbclieving)as;Lionamong the bulls ofthe for- refl, as a young Lion among the flock! of fheep ; or rather (as the Margin had) it) Goats, who if hego through, both treadeth down, and teareth in pieces, and none can deliver. That is (as our late Annotators exprefs it) The faithful (hall be endowed with an in- vincible force of the Spirit of God, to overcome and over.. throw the devil, the world; all their enemies. Thirdly, The Lion is the emblemof oppreffors and tyrants. O o 2 They