Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v12

2$4 Chap. 38. an Expofitcon upon the Book of j o E. Verf. 39., They inevil qualities refemble Lions. Thus the Apof}le Paul called Nero (as it is generally conceived) a Lion. I was (faith he) delivered out of the mouth of the Lion (2 rim. 4. t S.) which though it may be taken in a general [enfe, for deliverancèout of anygreat danger, yet 'cis fpecially and particularly applied to the perfon of Nero, whowas cruel as a Lion, and had tine Apofile Paul inhis paws at that time. Davis [-peaking of the multitude of his cruel oppref;ors, tells us, his foul was among Lions (Pfal. 57. 4.) that is, among thole that were cruel, as the next words explain it ; I lie among them that are fee on fire (with rage and malice) even the fops of men, whole teeth are fpears andarrows, and their a ngue a fhetrp(word. The Lion is (though in fome cafes a clement, yet) mofily a cruel, a devouring creature. Natura- E.eoeflanimal li[Is fay, he will [wallow down whole gobbets of dell withal: earnivorum & chewing; yea, that he will fwallow down fuch a quantity at once,as f"'"' ; ofl will ferve him two or three-days without eating more.And as ot- eetos refl rs are fhadowed out by the Lion with ref ea to their cru- repletus P Y p duostrefvè elty, fo likewife with refpeì to their fubdlty and treachery diesjejuna:. (pfal. a o.8, 9,1o.) He (that is, the wickedenemy) fittetb in the ¿ritl.Hidor. lurkingplaces of the Villages ; in thefecret places doch hemurder i%.nimal.1.4' theinnocent ; bib eyes are privily fet againfl the poor ; He lietb in c.g.&1.8.c.i6. wait fecretly as a Lion in his den helieth in wait tocatch the poor, c. Evil men have as much of the Lions craft, as of his cruelty, and both from him. Cori u :Leo In the fourth place, The Lion in force things reCembles the proper fti. devil himfel', the worfl of all creatures. The Apo[[ie Peter gives zudinem,diabo- it ecprefly (a Epií}.5.8.) Befober, bevigilant; for your adverfary lus proper the devilgoeth about like a roaring lion, Peeking whom he may -de- fsritarem, vicar, or fwallow down at a draught, as the word lignifies. The 4á.dédiv;á. devil is like a Lion in his wrath, rage, malice and fubtilty , to catch and enfnare poor fouls, and ro make a prey ofthem. Lafily, The Lion is an emblem of a godly man, Firfl, For his boldnefs and gracious confidence in a good caule (Prov. 28. 1.) De Leoneho- The righteous is bold as a Lion. Secondly, For his gratefulnefs to minis hsfpire, them who have done himgood. Some of the ancients have re- t(ghomine me- fared orange things of the hofpitality ofa Lion entertaining a man, dico Leoni:, and of the gratitude of a man healing a Lion, with the confe- ide Gcllium, 'vents ofboth. Thusby thefe Scripture- refemblances,. wemay Lg. c q .lian.1.7.cap learnmuch what the Lion ts,and what his qualities are. Wilt thou xtt, Kant the prey forthe Lien ? Or