Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v12

Chap, 38. 4n Expotitian upon the Book of J o Or fill the appetite o f,the young Lions ? Poffibly the Lord (peaks of filling the appetite of young Lions becaufe young Lions have appetites fo firong, that a final! matter will not fill them. Young ones of any kind, have (Ironger ap- petites than thole that are old ; young Lions elpecially, whole con(iitution ( fay Naturalifls) is very hot and dry : that being the temperament of Lions ; young Lions muff needs require a great proportion of food to tatisfie their ftomack, and find wotk tor their quick concoóion. 'Tis but a while, that the milk of the Lionefs will ferve their turn, they muli have i ronger meat ; young Lions are loon ready for prey; 'ris Paid ( fudg, r 4. 5. ) that when Samfon pared by, a young Lion roared againft him, or (as the Margin reads it) a young Lion meeting him roared ; and why did he roar ? not fomuch for anger, as for hunger, defiling tomake a prey of Sampfon. Welt thou fell the appetite of the young Lion ? Some tranflare ir, wilt thou fill the company, or troop of young Lions? that is, all the Lions than are in the den. The word fgniftesa companyor troo;-, it) its rendered (Pfal. 68. 30.) Rebukes the company of fpeare-men, or of thofe that carry the cane. But though the word trerurn ants' may fignifie a company, yet it is not fo ufed, but where it referrs menrV11 in- ( a:s in that Tfalme) to a company of men ; and therefore,though Qreucotegvta ; that be a good fence, and may well be included inour Tranfla- fed qunm de Lion, which being ( according to the Text ) in the plural num- hominibza fer- ber, youngLions, takes in the whole company, howmany (Dever mo ell. Per* they are. Wilt thou fill the companyy of the young Lions ? can(} carervam thou give all the whel s in the kennel their dinner or fu er ? yet rundtnsr, i.e. P , Pp Y h(latorun, I rather adhere to thofe, who render the wordAppetite,as we do, p,{¢, than io thole who render it Company, Canft thou fall the appetite (or foul) of the young Lions. The anima pre ap- word is tranflated life or foul, in the zo. Chap, of this Book Perendi f ttlt ( ver. 22,) as alto in the -amp. of this Book(ver. 18.) tae. 'Tis likewife tranflated appetite (Troy. 23. a.) and when we read greedy dogs (`Ifa. 56. t 1. ) we put in the Margin, firong of appetite, implying that the perlons intended under that difgrace- ful denomination greedy dogs, were fuch, who though theyhad littleappetite or fomack to their work, yet bad even an infati- able appetite or ftomackafter their wages or reward. The op- petite . Verf. 39, 2S5