Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v12

-a8% Chap. 38. AnExpofition upon the Bookof j o R. Verf. 39' petite being fo quick and lively a faculty, is exprefi by the fame word that lignifies life or livelinefs, which is the fpring and origi- nal of appetite. When life ceafeth, appetiteceafeth ; and the ,More lively any are, the quicker is their appetite. wilt thou 'fill the life or appetite of the young Lions ? There young Lions are cppofed to the old Lion fpoken of before; and we may take them either for Lions fo young, that they are not able to hunt or fetch their own prey, and therefore muf+ have prey brought in to them ; or we may take them for young Liens that have flrength enough to go forth to feek their prey. So then, as the Lion before may be taken for an old Lion, for a Lion foold, that he cannot go forth to catch his prey ; and the young Lions, for Lions fo young, that they never had firength to go forth and catch their prey : So we may take the Text in general for old and young, whether able or unable ro catchprey for themfeives. Wilt thou hunt the prey for the Lion ? or fall the appetite of the young Lions? Hence note, Fira, The way how Lions live, or get their live- n-hood. Lions areall for prey. There isno work fpoken of that the Lioncloth to get his liv. ing by, there's nothing fpoken of any fervice the Lion doth, all hiscare is for his belly, he hunts bis prey : Wicked men in this are like Lions, they are like Nimrod, all for hunting, all for catch- ing the prey. The Prophet Tlabum (Chap. 2. i 2.) defcribes the opprefling power of Nineveh, by a Lion tearing in pieces enough for his whelps', andfirangling for his Lioneffes, and filling his holes with prey, and his dens with ravin. Tearing and flrangling, filling all with preyand ravin, is all that Lions do ; Bafàl. Hom ç. nor is the work of oppreffors and cruel men any other in their in blexam, kind, nor any whit better.` Some of the Ancients (peaking of the Ambeof.Hee. Lion, fay, that when he roareth, the poor Beaus that are within 1.45.c. 3. heating are fo amazed and affrighted, that though they might efcape by flight, yet they Rand will and yield themfelves up to him for aprey. Such frights are poor men often put to, by the roaring throats of mercilefs oppreffors. Secondly