Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v12

63 n Expofitionupan the Boo,tvofo B. Cr Vf. 39. 287 Secondly note; God provides prey for Lions. God feeds not onlySheep and Lambs, but Wolves and Lions. This note gives us the chief (cope of the whole context, which is to (hew the care of God over all. 1 t is laid ( Pfal. 104.a I . ) The yaungLions roar after their prey,and feek,tbeir meat from God. It is a ((range expreffion, that young Lions when they roar after their prey,fhould be laid tofeektheir meat ofGod ; implying,that neither their own (trength nor craft could feed them without help from God. The itrongeft creatures left to themfelves cannot help themfelves. As they who fear God are fed by a fpe- cial providence of God, fo all creatures are fed and non i hed by a general providence. The Lion, though he be ftroeg and fubtle, yet cannot get, his own prey ; we think, a Lion might fhiftsfor kimfelf, 'no, 'cis the Lord that provides for him ; the young Lions leek their meat of God : Surely then, the wig, tiff of mencannot live upon themfelves, as it is of God that we re- ceive lifeand breath, fo all things needful for the maintenance of this life. The Prophet eremiah gives check to all fltfh, (Chap. g. z3.) Let not the wife man glory in his wifdom ; let not the mighty man glory in his might. As if he had faid, neither a wife man by his wifdom, nor aamighty man by his,.canbring . anywork toan effectual iffue. That is alto the coaclufion which the Spirit of Godmade,by the wifeft and one of the mighteff men that ever was in theworld, King Solomon ( Ecclef. 9. I I.) The race it not to the (wife , nor the battle to the firong, neither yet bread to the wife, nor yet riches to men of underflanding, nor yet favour to men of skill, but time and chance happeneth to them all r' though men have futable qualities and abilities for the attaining . of their ends ( what fuzes better the winning of a race than fwiftnefs ?) yet they cannot attain them, without the power and pretence of God in force kind and degree or other ; the firong Lions would f atve, did not the Lord help them tohunt their piey. Thirdly, If we cake the Lion in the ñrlt part of the V rf. for the old decreped Lion, and the young Lions for fuch as a e not able togo'abroad for their prey, the Lord providing for Lions under both thtfc confadcrations, yields us this obfervatien. God