Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v12

28,g Chap. 38. an Expofition upon the Bock,of J o B. Verf. 39 Leo vetulus quiviribus deficien ibas nonampliuc, Petell ventri a juvenibus j r<eda capta, ragitu euroad parsícipatio- aem pr,tdx vocantibun, glitur,' Ælian, 1 9. dinaturs' pnim,tl, c, t. Cod tastes care for chafe creatures , who through infirmities ( being either to old or too young) are not able to provide for themfelves. There's a fpecial providence of God over them that have fpe- cial need.The oldLion,that once could,but now cannot the young Lions that never could hunt the prey, are yet provided for. Old Lions that are flcong are taught by natural iniiinCt to get prey for their young ones while weak ; and the natural Hifiorian tells us, that the younger Lions, which are ftrong, are taught by a like in- ilina to hunt the prey for the oldones that are weak. Fourthly, From the latter words, wilt thou fill the appetite of the young Lions Note, God can and doth provide for the creature to fulnefr or fati(- facTlion ; he fills their appetite. God, as I may fay, keeps a good, abountiful houle for all his creatures ; the young Lions that have fuch thong flommacks (hall have their fill : Hence we may inferr. Fitt}, If the Lord doth thus 'provide for Lions young or old, one or other, then much more will he provide, and hunt the prey for his faithful people. David (Pfal, 34, to. ) gives us the Lords word for it, The 'young Lions do lack and infer hun- ger , but they that feek the Lord (hall not want any good thing. That is, the young Lions may lack, or though the young Lions fhould lack and fuffer hunger, yet they that leek and ferve the Lord 1hall not. Lions havea good aflurance that they fhali not lack, but the fervants of God have a far better aflùrance that they (hall not. Doth god take care for Oxen ? was the Apoffles queflion (a Car. 9. 9.) or faith he it altogether for our fakes;for our fakes( fpeaking of Gofpel Miniflers) no doubt this is written, ( ver. ao. ) As if he had laid, if the Lord did not give that law to thePews, Thou(halt not muzzle the mouth of the Oxe that treadeth out the corn altogether for our fakes, yet quefiionlefs he gave it chiefli for our fakes, and had a far greater refpea to us in making that law than to Oxen. Thus from the text and point in hand, I may fay, Doth God take care for Lions ? Surely, he bath caufcd this to be written, that wemay know, hewill much more take