Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v12

Chap. 38. ,flnExpofttionupon the Bookof ] o s. Verf.g.ea. 2.8g take care of his fheep, of all that fear him and call upon his, 'name. A Lion may come into a starving condition, but thole that fear God fhal! not. Lions,though they are very thong & rub- de cannot always get their prey, but the Lordbath promifed to minifler to his people, at lcafl a fupply of their necciYìties; as David (peaks, Ihavebeen young, andnew amold ; yet have Inot fan the righteotu forfal en, nor bis reed begging bread (Pfaff. 37. 25.) Secondly, Doth the Lord provide to fatisfaotion for the young Lions ? doth he fill their natural appetite? then furely, he will provide for the fatisfying of his people in fpiritual things (Luke 5.5 3.) He filleth the hungry with good things. Who are the hungry ? doubtiefs, he the holy Virginmeant the fpirirually hun- gy.And what are the good things he fills them with ? doubtlefs, spiritual good things ; they (hall have not only force tarts of there good things, but their fill of them;; he fills the hungry with good things, ( Pfal.8,. io.) Open thy mouth wide, andIwill fillrt. God hach much refpeEt to fill us with outward good things ; but much more to fill us with fpi i.ual good things, open thy mouth wide, and raifc up thy defires after the things of heaven, growth ingrace, encreafe in faith and love, in patience and ho- '. liners, and I will fill it. He that fills the appetite of the young Lions with natural food, will fill the appetite of his Servants with fpirirual food, which is befl of all ; they Mall be abundantly fatisfiedwith the goodnefs of his house, andhe will male them drink of the river of his pleáfures : (Pfal.'36. 8 ) He that fills the appetite of the young Lions, will not fend hunry fouls away emp-y. Wemay cell in much affurance that God' wi11 deal well with us, both for foul andbody, while he queflions lob whether he would do that which himfelf only doth Wilt thouhunt the prey for the Lion ? or fill the appetite of the youngLions ? Verf. 4c. when they conch in their dens, andabide in the covert to lye in wait, This Verle gives a further difctipticn of the Lion, whether youngor old. Beforewe had them hunting abroad in the fields, here we have themcouching in their dens, and abiding in their covert. Pp ( in