Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v12

290 Chap. 38.. an Expofition upon the Book_ofJ o When they couch in their dens. This couching or bowing down in their dens, may be upon a three-fold account, and fo there is a three -fold interpretation of the words. First, Some taking the Lion for the old Lion and the young Lions for fuch as are very young, interpret this couching as prc- ceeding from wcaknefs ; they couch in their dens, as not being able to go abroad. Secondly, Others fay, they couch in their dens only for rea and eile, having tired themfelves in hunting for their prey. ë^"vi deprimit Tai:dly, That they couch in their dens upon defign to catch 8,"h h.minir their prey, thus the latter part of the Verfe feems to carry it;; where 'cis laid, they lye in wait.' So then, this couching in their aitiu,,Druf. dens, is either from neccffìty, as not being able to go forth ; or it is a couching in policy,,which I rather pitch upon. They couch in their dens. As if they were asleep, as if they minded nothing but their cafe; yet even then they are buf;ly minding how to catch their prey. As if the Lord had Paid, Na/I thou (O Job) taught the Lion that art and cunning, to lyecouchant in his deo, that he may- deal upongrafts passant, andfurprize themùnawares. They couch in their dens, And abide in the covert to lye in wait. Theword rendredCovertflgnifieth aTabernacle or Tent in which men abode for a time, and is therefore here oppoled (as force conceive) to the Lions dens or houles fpoken of in the begin- ning of the verfe. Bears (Cay they) are aware of Liensdens, and to avoid them ; but they may pifs unawares by the coverts and thickets, where they lye in ambufb. But I fuppofe we need not be thus critical in difiingnifhing between dens and coverts, both words may lignifie the fame place and thing ; or at lean in both places Lions do the fame thing, Lye in wait. It is Paid of the Lordhimself (Jere». 25.38.) he bath forsaken his covert as et Lion. The meaning of the Prophet was to thew the Lords pur- yofe to come forth, and tear and rend his enemies by force fore Judgment, as a youngLi©n that rangeth aboutfor his prey. We read . Verf. gó,a