Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v12

Chap. 3 3. AnExpofition upon theBoo, of J o a. Verf. 40, 291, read a lithe before (at the 34th verfe) of the howling of the fhepherds, that is, of the rulers and governours, and of the cry of the principal of the floe', that is, of the wealthiea among the people. When the Lion came forth of his covert, there was a howling and a cry made; why fo ? the Lion came forth tode aroy both fheepand fhepherds. Thus the Lord comes forth, even as a youngLion, full of wrath and fury to dearoy the wicked : He is fometimes like a Lion couching in his den, and abiding in his covert, but he Both it as the Lien, To lye intrait. This expreffion may have a twofold allufion. Firer, To Fowl- ers and Hunters, who .( in force cafes) keep out of fight, that they may with the more advantage take birds or beans in their fnares and toils ; For in vain ( faith Solomon, Prov. I. a7. ) the net is fpread in the fight of any bird. Secondly, To Souldier?, who lye in ambuas to furprize their enemy. Thus do Lions ; They ( faith the Text) couch in their dens, and abide in the covert to lye in wait. Here, Firs, Taking that interpretation of the words, which fup- pofeth, the Lion lying down in his den through age and weak- nefs, Obferve, The ftrongefl creatasresare tamed andweakened by age. The Lion is the urongea among beaus, yet he cannot always range in the fields and hunt for prey,he mutt come to his den,and keephoufe there. 'Tis fo withmen, how wrong foever they have been, yet old age neceflitates them at lau to keep houfe and home. All mull fubmir to time, and yield to thofe infirmities, which old age inevitably bring upon us. Time is called , The ronpo oda eater of things ; 'Tis fo alfo of perfons, that great eater will eat rorxm. out the arength of the eater himfeif, that is, the Lion, as Sampfon called him in his riddle propofed to the Thiliftines (3udg, 14, 14. ) Time reduceth our arength to weaknefs, our life to death. Time confines us fire to our chambers, then to our beds, and thensour graves. The Lion mua giveover his hunting and couch in his den. Pp a Secondly,