Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v12

Chap. 38. an Expofition upon the Book of JoB. VerU400. Secondly, Taking the Lion as politickly abiding in covert, and waiting for his prey ; Obferve, as the Lord gives much flrength, fo much craft to Pm. creatures.. There are creatures of little arength which have much craft, others have litrecraft but much (}length, in fome both meet to- get her ; and among them we may number the Lion,he is a.crafty. one as well as a thong one; he bath his covert, there he waits for his prey. We may parallel rr.ei with beafis in chis regard ; among them force are (irong but not crafty, others are crafty but nottirong, and not a few are both. Such David compared w a Lion (Pfal: r o. q., 8, 9.) The wicked through the pride of hW countenance will not leek after God : What will he leek after then ? the 8th, and 9th. vertes tell us,. He fitteth in the lurking placesof the villages, in the ferret places doth he murder the in- nocent, hù eyes are privily fee againft the poor, he lieth in wait ficrctly, ou a Lion in his den, be lyeth in wait to catch the poor, he, doth tech the poor when he draweth him into his net. He creucheth and humbleth himfelf, that the poor may fall byhis ftrongones. Thus the fubtlejprad}ices of a wicked man are fet forth, by the fubtletyof the Lion.. He coucheth and croucheth, he waits forthe innocent, he draws him into his net ; he firf entangles him, and then devours him. Davidgivesa like defcription of evil men in another place (Plat.' 17. i x, t z. ) They have now compaffed us in our flops, they have fee their eyes bowing down to the earth ; like 'as a Lion that is greedy of hie prey, and as it were a young. Lion lurking in ferret places. There Scriptures plainly (hew the natural fubtlety of the Lion, waiting' in his covert that he may do mifchief unawares ; and that in this piece of mifchievous policy wicked men are not behind him, they (hew as plainly.. Thirdly, Whereas in the former verfe the Lion israid to hunt his prey in the field,and this in to abide in hie covert to lye in wait fora; Obferve ; what fame cannotdoby firengtb they do bycraft; WeSay,_pf craft or powar,'tiebard tofay which is moll dangerous or