Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v12

Chap. 38. AnBxpólitionupon the Bokof ] o B. Verf. ál.I, 293 or undefarable in an enemy.Where thefe twomeer,where c raft&po- wer, ability and fubtilty are joyned,what will they not do?We may . fay of men,,in whom thefe are uaited,as theLord laidconcerning the menof the new world, foon after the Flood, who were uni- ted inheart and tongue (the people areone, and they have all one language)nothing will be reffrainedfrom them,wbieb they have ima gined to do (Gen. t t. 6.) The devil is alwayes like a Lion, both strong and fubtle He is fo ftrong, that he fometirnes hunts his prey (as I may fay) inopen field, and overcomes by fine force. He is focrafty, that at other times he knows 'Lis belt for him ro abide in his covert, and lie inwait to catch fouls. 14e goeth about` lire a roaring Lion (faith the Apofile Peter, i Epift, 5. 8.) but he is craftier than to roar always like a Lion, when he goeth adout jeering whom he may devour ; he often fawns and flatters ; he ufeth his wits,and puts tricks upon poor fouls whom he would de- your, we (faith the ApofIle, 2 Cor.z.) are not ignorant of his devices,. Chrift advifeth all his Difciples to joyn the wifdom of the Serpent, with the innocency of the Dove fubtilty and "ho-- nefly, craft and innocency, working together, work well, or make good work : But where there is the ftrength and craft ofa Lion, without a dove-like integrity,whatfad work do men make? God- ly men, or men truly fearing God, fometimes have the wifdom' of the ferpent, together with their dove-like innocency ; and when to both the former, the Lions ftrength is joyned, what good may they not do ? they may do (as we fay ) a world of good in an evil world. Fourthly, In that the Lion couchath in 'his den, and retireth fometimes to his covert ; we may take notice of the good pro- vidence of God towards man. God hath ordered it, that the Lion couchette all day in his den, and is quiet, that men may go out quietly to their labour. The Pfal'mitt- commends'the provi- dence of God in this (Pfal. 104. 20, 21, 22.) Thou makefi darknefs, and it is night , wherein all the beafte of the Farrell do creepforth : the young Lions roar after their prey, and leek their meatfrom God. Thus they are roaring and raging' for their prey all night ; but how is it with them, or what do they in the day ?` The next words tell us , TheSun rifeth, theygather themfelves together, andiay them down in their dens. (Then it follows)Man goethforth to his hark, and to his labour until the evening. Such& is