Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v12

194 Chap. 38. An'Expofition t4pon the BookofJO B. Verf. 4r. is the careof God, that he clears fields and Countries of theme ravenous beafis, that man may go fafely to his work, and not be troubled. When the Lioncomes forth in the day, 'cis ufually co execute Come judgement of God.; witnefs that of the Prophet, ¡tn whogoing out of Gods way, God told him by another Prophet, a Lion (hall meet thee and tear thee ; and fo it came to pals, a Lion met him, and executed the judgement of God upon him, b:caule he went beyond the command he had received from God (r King. r;: 24.) We read alto, that God fens Lions to vex the people continually, when they fell to idolatry and falle wor(hip (2 Krug. 17. 26.) hwas of the Lord that Lions which ufed to keep their covert in the day time, were fo bold as to ü come by day to their houles and deflroy them. And fuch is the mighty power of God, that though hungry Lions are altogether for prey, yet God can flop their mouths, and check their appe- tite (Dan. 6.8.) When Daniel was call into the Lions den, a motig(l a company of hungry Lions, yet not one touched him, but were as meek to him as fo many Iambs ; whereas no fooner were his enemies and accufers let down into that den, bur they brake their bones before they came to the ground. Thus much of the Licn,a King among the bears ofthe earth.TheLords next .queflion concerns the Raven, none of the bell, if not one of the worfl among the birdsof the Air. ! ¿;I I Verf. 41. Who provideth for the Raven hisfood ? Whenhis ï'. young onescryonto God, they wander for lack of meat. As the Lion is a devourer amongbeafls, fo is the Raven a- mongbirds. The Lion (as was faid) is fo curious,that he will not feed upona carcafe in the way, but the Raven feeds upon any dead or corrupted body ; and that is the reafon why in many great Citiesthere's a Law or cuflom that Raven sneer them,fhall not be ihot at nor terrified, becaufe they eat up the filth and car- rion,which might infea the air, and breed peflilential dïfcafes. Now the Lord puts the queflion, Whoprovidethfor the Raven ? As if he had faid, Iprovide not only for the Kingly Lion , but for the carrion- eating Raven. The Lord made proviuion of food forLions and Ravens, for all forts of beafls, and birds,and creep- ing things, in the work of Creation ; and in his works of provi- dence, he makes all things ready, and brings them to hand for their