Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v12

.An Expofitionupou th(Book,.Qf] o B, Verf. 4.1._ 29; their ufe and fuf1cnration : He, as it were, dreffeth and diJheth out mear for all his creatures, and then fe~s it before them, thu t~y may eat and be fatisfied •. · · Whoprovid~th for the Raven ? The Hebrew word rendred provideth, hath two fignific~cion!, VerouTJi J1::J which wonderfully fer forth rhe care of God towa rds this crea· 1 11~!%1 mdulgen. . • f h . ·r. h wrmamcrd3· r~re: FuG, th_e cerra~nry o r eu_pr~v111on, for t e word fig· torisprovid.:n. ntfies toeftablifh; as If the Lord dtd gtve th:em a neceffary, fee. tislll,nonfolur;z tied, or conGaot dier. S::condly, lr notes the futablene fs and "c:l'}f;riafe~ pleafiognefs of their food to their nature and confiimtion, yea, to ~ttnufq; ail· their guG and appetite ; as if rhe Lord fitted their food, as we .c ICias. fay, rotheir tooth or p~lare, · and gave them n0r only meat, but fa1.1our7 meat to them (like that which Tfa11c befpake of his fon £. fttu) fuch as they love ; for thouglnhe food of Ravens be unpl:a· faor to us, yet it is pled1ng and roorhfom and favow~y to them. What the Lord p:ovides for Ravens,,is to them dainties and delicacies; carrion is fo to diem, becaufe 'tis futabl: to their nature, &fuch as their Gomaek likes very well.The futablenefs of any food to our rafle and palate, makes it dc:liglirful to us : Whar makes lin, which is as odious as acarrion or corrupt thing to God and good m::n, pleafanr to carnal and wicked men, bur the furablen:fs of it to their natu re? th~y can feed upon lin as heartily and hungrily, an Raven doth upon a puttified carcafe•. And what's the reafon thac the ways of God are fo plea[am to agodly man? • .is ic nor becaufe his heart is made {through grace) futab!e ro them? To do the will of God is meat and driok w a godly mao; . but his foul being in a right bme) can no ffi:)re delightfully do, . any tping tbu is linfully evil, than he can delight ro feed bodily . upon putrifa6lioo or poyfon. who provideth his food Forth~ Raven? · The Hebrew word for a R11ven t:ignifies llzck!feji, dar~i~efs, or . , th . Th R . h ! ~ b' d k d Corvus Ill P.~- eevemng. e aven IS t e rrue Ba&"· tr , a dar ·coloure t ::liY creature ; bltfc{z II! II Rave~, is the Scripture language for perfeet d~:~~r a co /01'1 blacknc:fs. The Greek word for aRaven, intimates her hoarfe, nigrQ. Guct harfh and unpleafanr cry, or crokiog. As rhe coat of the Raven xoe~ a_ xpA>· is eminc;nt for'a,beautiful.blacknefs, fo 'hi> note is well kno;vo by ~E-w rro.Jiar~. his