Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v12

296 Chap. 38. an Expofition upon the Book, of J o fs. Verf.4i hisunpieafant and jarring hoarfnefs.\ The note of the Crowor Raven, founds like the Latine, Crar, cras; in.Englifh, To mor- row, to morrow, or the day to come. Arid hence men, Who when called to prefent repentance and forfaking of their fins, delire time, and fay, to morrow, to morrow, are faid to refemble Crows 4` and Ravens, whole only fong is eras, crag. Tis reported con- cerning .Athanafins, that walking in the Greets of á Heathenifh or Gentile City,, a Raven flew over his head and croked the Heathens that flood by, taught and fmil'd to fee the Raven flie and croke fo neer him ; and they asked, whatlaid the Raven to thee ? He..anfwered, The Raven cryed, to morrow, to morrow ; for to morrow the Emperor will fendout (itch an Edilt or Decree, as will put a flop to your fuperflitious obfervation of Heathenifh Feafs: And though he knew nothing of the Emperors purpofe at that time, to put forth fuch adecree, yet the next day there came-a command from the Emperor, that they fhould nomore oblerve them :" And then the Heathens cryed out ,again{} Athanafoos, and Paid that he was a Witch. ,further, The Raven is focalled in our language, from her ra- vening ; her name fpeaks her nature, as Nabals did his (a Sam. 25.25) yet even Ravens are under the Lords infpection, who Providethfor theRaven his food ? Hence note; The wort and vileft creatures are under the care of god. The Lord doth not give job an infianceof his care in the peo- ple of Ifrael, for whom he provided a long time in Egypt, and whom he fed forty years in the wildernefs; nor in Elias, fed by Ravens, but in his feeding Ravens ; nor among fowls, doth he inflance in the Hawk or Falcon, which are highly prized and fed by Princes ; nor in the tweet finging Nightingale, or filch like mufical pretty birds, which men keep choicelyand much delight in ; but in that hateful and malicious bird, the croking Raven, whom noman values, but as fhe eatsup the carrionwhich might annoy shim. Behold then, and wonder at the providence and kindnefs of God, that he should provide food for the Raven, a creature of fó dï.fmal a hue, and of fo untuneable a tone, a crea- ture that is fo odì mofI men, and ominous to loue, There is a great providence of God few, in providing for the Ant or Pifmire, Z.>rom_ tiv?sinaufpi- cat¢,