Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v12

Chap. 38. ç4u Expofition upon the Book, of Jos. Vert. sl Í. 297 Piftnire, who gathers her meat in Summer (Prov. 6. 8.) but a greater in theRaven, who though he forgets, or is carelefs to Provide for himfelf, yet God provides and layeth up for hits. One would think the. Lord fhould fay of Mavens, lei them fhift for themfelves or peri(h ; no, the Lord God dub not deft-ire any work of his hands; the Raven'hath his being from God, and therefore theRaven (hall beprovided for by him ; not only the fair innocent Dove, but the ugly Raven bath his meat fromGod. As theLord feeds not only Doves, but Ravens, in kind, fo he feeds not only Doves, but Ravens, in a figure ; that is , he feeds not only dove-like or innocent men,but raven-like or wick- ed men. (_2'(at. 5.45) He caufetb hs Sun to rife on the evil end on thegood,&fendeth rain on thejuft and on the unjorft:Thus he feeds Ravens in the likenefs of men.. Such men whole minds feed upon carrion, the Lord feeds their bodies with excellent dainties, they fare delicioufly every day, as the rich Glutton is raid to do, who was but a Raven. The Lord, I fay, doch not on- ly provide for his better and more excellent ones, but he provides for the bad, for the evil, for the wicked ; fuch an in- dulgent father andprovider is God towards all his creatures.We find this reported to the praiCe of God (Pfal. 10 4. l o, t t.) He fender, the Springs into the valleys, which ran among the Hills ; theygivedrink to everybeaft of the field ; the wilde Affes Trench their thirft. And again(Pfal. 145. t 5, i 6. )- The eyes of all wait upon (or lookunto) thee, and thou gavel them their meat in doe feafon: thou openeft thy hand, and fatisfieft thedefre (that is, the hunger and thirft) of every living thing. He that gives life coal!, upholds the lives of all. As it thews the great power of God, that he bath made force living creatúres (the Angels and fouls of men) which need nomeat, fo it is a very great glory that he pro- videsmeat for all that need it. God bath a great houfhold, and hekeeps a plentiful houfe ; the meanetlof kis houfhold have food convenient for them. Now, `Mth the Lordprovide et tablefor the Ravens ? Remem- ber Chrif s Inference from it ; 7hen much more will he provide a Table for his children who fear bins, and truft upon him. Behold, (faith Chrifl, Hat. 6. e6.) the fowls of the air ; for they few not, neither do they reap, nor gather into barns, yet your heavenly father feedetb them : lire ye not much better than they ? And that which Qq Ch,ifi