298 Chap, 38. an Expofition upon the Book.of J o E. Verf. 4a lh: iíf fpake in general thereconcerning thefowls of the air, he in the i2-1-) of Luke (ver, 24.) fpake particularly of the Raven; (o ¡:der the Ravens,, for they neither fora nor reap, 6-c, .end God feedeth them ; how mach more are ye better (as if the Lord had raid, than thefowls ?) Te are much better thanthe heft offowls ; then how much better than the worft, the Ravens? and be ye affu_ red, that as much as ye are better than the Ravens, by fa much it my care for you, greater than for the 7,,avens, As God is the Sot- vicar ofall,efpeeraly of thofe that believe (a `11m.È4., t o.) fo he is a provide-r forall,but efpecially for chore that believe.TheLord,who . alike cares for all, doth nor care for all alixe;there would be much inequality in that equality. As creatures vary in their kinds and degrees, fothe Lord (who is a God of judgement) varies both the kind and degreeof his care towards the creature. There- fore we may conclude ; Doth Godput forth anykind or degree of care for Ravens ? doubtlefs then he will take care of his beloved childrenand faithfulfervants. There's no temptation with which the children of God are mo-e opprefl,than with this ; what they fhed eat ? and what they fhall drink? and wherewithal (hall they and theirs be cloathed ? n r doth any thing cart them uponmore dangerous rocks than thefediftruffful queries ; How (hall we live? and who(hall pro- vide for us, efpecoally in a hard and dear year ? But may we not . i?sn', amazed to hear fuch queries proceed out of their mouths, who have heard of this word which once proceeded out of Ch ills mouth, That God feedeth the Ravens ? who believing that, can but believe that God will feed him 1. Nor doth the Lordprovide for and feed the old Raven only, but his young ones alto. As it follows, when his young ones cry unto God, The Raven in the former part of theverfe, is the old one that bath young ones. How can that feed the young, that cannot feed him fell, but by Gods providing ?, As if thelord had faid , As it is not by thy providence, O Job, but by mine, that the old Ravens 'arefed ; fo that the youngones being early forfaken of theold, and rantingskill to fhifefor themfelves,,wandring hereand there, have their cries (which nature bath taught them to put up to Cyodin their soecefty) heard and answeredwith fupply of food. The Hebrew is, ifhenhis children cry onto God ; children are pro -.