Chap. 3 3. AnExpofition upon the Bork, of J o a. Verf. 4 1. 29? properly theyoung ones of men, yet the young ones of any c.ea_ cure maybe called children. The word rendred to cry, notes a very thong cry for help for yr, Eft opera food. The young ones of the Raven beingpincht with hunger, Y falutemrn. make a loud confuted cry for food ; but to whom do they cry ? genti vocifera. the Text faith, They cry tienepoflulare, Clamor ob ne. VntoGod. ce itatememif- fus,petitionem No creature canproperly be Paid to cry unto God, but the ra- imitator. tional creature ; and there s none among the rational creatures Theodoret. that indeed cry untoGod, but chore that have faith a How then Non novitom is it raid The Ravens young b ones cry unto God ? nino invocava I anfwer, hit(l, They are faid to cry toGod, becaufe man Denmnifiani- ma rationale. hears them nor, or if he do, he regards them not ; what man re- Auguft. in Bards the cry of a young Raven ? therefore they cry to God if Pfal. 136. CO any, who alone-takes notice of their cry, Ego baudfetus xauditos Szcondly, They cry toGod, nor properly, but equivalently eO fi ,quampd theycannot be imagined to makeany formal or direét prayers to me vocifereu- God in their neceflìties, but their neceßîties which force them tur. Beä. to cry, have the force of a cry, or of a prayer unto God. Thirdly, They may be faid to cry unto God, becaufe God takes or interprets their cry when hungry, as a prayer to himfeif And God may be raid to hear their cry, becaufe he provides for them, and helps them, as he doth thole who put up powerful prayers tohim. There is in all creatures a defìre of ,that which is needful for them, or proper to them, and when that is wanting they cry, that is, make fome fgnification of their want. And as all young ones are apt to cry (that being all they can do) for food fc the Scripture, as here, fo elfewhere reprefents young Ravens crying more than other creatures (Pial. 147.9.) No giveth to the gaff his food, and to the young Ravens which cry. Thebeafis are not faid to cry for food when God gives it them, but theyoung Ravens are. Crying feems to be the propertyof young Ravens , as if the leaf+ lack of food made them cry. But how come young Ravens to be in fuch want of food, that they fhould cry for it ? and when they cry, whyare they not Paid to cry to their parents (if I may fo fpeak) or to the old ones, but to God for meat ? In anfwer to thefe queries; Firfl, Some Naturalifts fay, the Raven is a forgetful creature, Qq and