3.00 Chapa 38. an Expafrtion upon the Bookof J o B. Verf. 41. and leaves her young ones altogether unprovided of food, and t'rere`ore (as the lalt refort of all helplefs ones) they are.Cuppia- fed to cry untoGod. chryfoilomi Secondly, Say others, the Raven is not onlya forgetful, but enrentiaej# an unnatu:al crevice. Ravens have not thole bowels of natural obnlhm ccmpafilon to their youngones, whichother creatures have, who awlsfpe- will prefently beflir themfelves to get food for their youngones;, fe,pae tuur`p therefore fame fay, that their young ones, as it were, crytoGod ,rudetiratepul- of the impiety and unnaturalnefs of the old ones, in not provi- los adhucim- ding for them, and in a manner accule them for ir. The Apoftle plumes negligi faith, I'le that provides notfor thofe of his own houfe, bathdenyed Qydeferï, thefaith, and is vo:rfe,than an infidel. A beaft will provide for author nature his own, and molt birds provide for their young, but the Raven l dignam r i y r ireos rependi provides not for his own young ones ;. and therefore his young imperat;namft- ones are brought in,, as crying or complaining to the Lord of liï genitores their parents unnatural,aftorgy, or want of pity And indeed pa- fiat in rents who doMCA provide for their own houle, may uftl be put ze mánime a- t p y 1 y P l.nt. Vt 1Elia- among the Ravens. Remember (by the way) the power of God, nus dixirwga- who could make Ravens feed Elias, and be kind to him (i King. a ' ;t3 .dta' 17. t 6.) though naturally theyare cruel to their own kind, and rx °ra'Y refule to feed their young ones. Thirdly,, There's another reafon given by Naturalias, why Ciritur,70d Ravensfeed not their young ones For when the Raven bath corms puller ronpafcìt,do. hatcht her young,,they look.whitifh, which the old ones cannot neefuosdepre-. abide,, being themfelves black, and therefore the Raven for- liendens plumes bears to feed his young ones for fevers (layer (faith my Author) that is, till their feathers begin to grow black, wherebyhe knows them to be his own, being loth to bring up a fpurious brood ; fo that all this time of their eftrangement and forbearance , the Lord feeds their young ones,, fotne fay, with a dew from hea- ven,orwith little flies (fay others) bred out of their dung. But I (hall not flayuponthefe things, elpeciallyconfdering.that they whoprofeffedly write of the nature and manners,both of beafls & birds, are very filent , as to any fuch obfervatiois concerning the Raven ; yet becaufe fograve an Author, as isnoted in the Margin infìfts upon this latter reafon, take this Note from it. nigrefcerevi- deit, undefep- tem diebus its tibor nonmini. drat,fed ñ Des fullerrantur pernaturalem vira lis indi. earn. Aquin. Sed opudau- thoreshiflorit naturalis imps iei teflimonium viainvenitur. Legs Arif1 .I.9.Hift.Animal.c.31.Plin.l.to c. at.. lian,I.1ç.c.39, Hiero= okimus ad illud (PIal. 147. .) en L'luilofophsrumJi'n:entia sis, ecteli remvivereanimal pul- iáF sierelif#os.