Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v12

Chap. 3 3 an &xpofation upon the Book of J o B. Verf. 4 t, Every one loves its like. ARaven Both not love her young, till the perceives them in her own lìkenefs. It is faid alfo of the Eagle, that when her young arefirft hatcht, the will not own them for hers, till having held them up to theSun,fhe finds they out-face it; &here 'cis faid, theRaven will not own her young till they are black.Now, if it be . thus innature, if it be a truth,chat the Raven is not delighted in her young till they grow black, 'cis doubtlefs true in fpir ituals,lìke to like. God loves none withdelight, but holy and pureones, and the moreholy and pure any are,the morehe loves them ; therea- fon is, becaufe himfelf is altogether infinitely pure and holy. Where God fees mot+of his own image, which is purity and holinefs, there he loves moil, and for filch he will certainly pro- vide, fuch he will furely feed. But, which way foever the young ones of the Raven come to want food, whether it be through the forgetfulnefs, or the unna- turalnefs of the old Raven ,.or becaufe they are hatchr white, upcn what account foever (I fay) it is, that they come to want . food, the Text faith they are in fuch want, that they cry co God , yea, that They wander for ltckof meat. This is a further evidence of their difirefs, they cry when they are in their net+, and there God provides for them ; and when theywander (from their nett) for lackof meat , God feeds them coo. Some refirain this wand-ring to anarrow compafs, and fay, 'cis only:in their nett, where they ftruggle and are unquiet for want ofmeat; but this their wanderingfor want of meat, may be conceived to be out of the net+, rather thanin it ; for a nett being a (trait place, it cannot be congruoufly faid, that the yetiq ones wander while they are in it. 'And therefore, -which clears the matter fufficiently, Naruralifis tell us, That when the Raven bath fed his young in the nett, till theyare well fledged and able to flie abroad, then he thruf+s them out of thenet+, and will not let them abide there,but puts them to get their own living. Now when thee youngones are upon their firf+ flight fromtheir nett, and are little 'acquainted with means how tohelp themfelves with food, then the Lordprovides food for them. 'Tis laid by credi' ble. 3b r