3.0a Chap. 38. AnExpoftionupon the Baól;of J o B. Vert', 4/. dible Authorities, that the Raven is marvellous aria and fe- Locisariiori- vere in this; for as foon as his young ones are able to provide bu., ubi non for themfelves, he will not fetch any more food for them ; yea, finis cibi pluti- fame affirm, the old ones will not fuffer them to flay in the fame busfit,due tan, Country where they were bred ; and if fo, then they muff needs nun incohmt ; fuorpullor wander. We fay proverbially, Need makes theold xmife trot; we rum jam pote- may fay, and The young ones too. It bath been, and fofíibly is, the fiestolandiefi praaileof fame parents towards their children, who as foon as ericìunt de de they can fhift for themfelves, and are fit in anycompetency ro rgione rota get their bread, they turn them our of doors, as the Ravencloth expPtlunt. his young ones out of the nefl. Now faith the Lord in the Texr, Ari1}.1.9.de When the young ones ofcheRaven are at this pinch, that they Hfi}or.animal. are turned off, and wander for lack of mear, who then provides c 31 for them,? donot I the Lord ? do not I who provide for the oldRaven, prövide for his young obey, both while they abide in the nefl, and when they wander for lack of meat ? Hence note firfl, (which was inpart roucht before.) TheprovidenceofGodextends it felf to all, even the meanefl ofhis creatures. As fome deny providence, foothers reflrainit to greater mat- ters, or more eminent creatures, as if it were true of Jehovah, which Heathens faid'of their Idol Jupiter; He is not at leifure 'to mindlittle things. But the Lord Jehovah difdains not to look after the leaf+ things, he looks into birds nefs, to fee they want no- thing, or to fupply their wants. Young Ravens are inconfidera- ble creatures, yet the Lord remembers and confiders them, And if God take care of young Ravens, then I may again infer, he will much more take care of their young ones or children,. who are themfelves heirs of the promife, the fpiritual feedof Abra- ;hava. Secondly, in that youngRavens are here faid to cry unto God, Obferve ; extreamwant or nece /itywillput meer nature uponprayingor crying toGod. Theworfi of men, yea, the very beafls willpray in their kind, or after their manner, when they are pinched with extremities, either 6of want or $ fear. The Heathen Marriners in Jonah, being